Minors with Psychoactive Substance Dependence and Characteristics of Their Temperament Cover Image

Непълнолетни със зависимост към психоактивни вещества и особености на темперамента им
Minors with Psychoactive Substance Dependence and Characteristics of Their Temperament

Author(s): Tsvetan Petkov
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Psychology, Sociology, Cognitive Psychology, Experimental Pschology, Substance abuse and addiction
Published by: Институт за знание, наука и иновации ЕООД
Keywords: drugs and criminal activities; temperament and drugs

Summary/Abstract: The data from the conducted research serves to develop a picture of the dependence between temperament, anxiety and depression and the use of psychoactive substances among children and adolescents. The processed results are the basis for good psychological practices in Bulgarian conditions, with the aim of connecting typical traits of the personality with his actions. We often ask ourselves the question „does the use of drugs and psychoactive substances (PSS) lead to criminal activities or not?” Research shows that there is a strong relationship between drug use and the occurrence of criminal acts. This is because the drug user has a distorted view of the social support in their own social circle. There are other social factors that are also important in understanding why there are children and young people who start using drugs, engage in criminal activity. These include, in addition to the living conditions of the individual, his family, friends in his environment, his mental health and his type of temperament.

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