Intensive training forms and time management in artists’ education Cover Image

Интензивни обучителни форми и времеви мениджмънт в образованието за артисти
Intensive training forms and time management in artists’ education

Author(s): Pavlina Velichkova
Subject(s): Theatre, Dance, Performing Arts, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Music
Published by: Академия за музикално, танцово и изобразително изкуство „Проф. Асен Диамандиев“ – Пловдив
Keywords: Intensive training forms; education; time management; artists

Summary/Abstract: New trends in artists’ education demonstrate an increasing widespread of intensive training forms and their grading (forms, often recognised as a part of the standard educational system), led mainly by lecturers with active international career as well the trend for implementation of the Time Management as a tool for artists development in accordance with their individual performing level and stage of training/professional development.

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