Финaнсирaнето в здрaвеопaзвaнето кaто фaктор зa устойчиво рaзвитие нa системaтa зa нaционaлнa сигурност
Financing in health care as a factor for sustainable development of the system for national security
Author(s): Emiliya KasovaSubject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Social Sciences, Economy, Sociology, Security and defense, Health and medicine and law, Public Finances
Published by: Институт за знание, наука и иновации ЕООД
Keywords: financing; health services; cost control; solidarity; health insurance funds
Summary/Abstract: The trend in the financing of health services is related to the efforts to achieve a balance between equal financing of hospital services and the lack of funds as a major problem for managers at the government level in every country. The factors determining this trend are related to the growing concern of individual governments regarding the problem of control of expenses and to a lesser extent with the problem of equality and solidarity. However, one should not overlook the fact that the more government control increases, the more the traditional autonomy of health insurance funds is limited
Journal: Сборник доклади от научна конференция „Знание, наука, иновации, технологии”
- Issue Year: 1/2024
- Issue No: 3
- Page Range: 761-774
- Page Count: 14
- Language: Bulgarian