“Thou, whose goodness of heart is praised by ages”: The Jesuit
Fathers of Tarnopol and Stara Wieś as Authors of Marian Religious Hymns Cover Image

„O, której serca dobroć głoszą wieki”. Jezuici tarnopolscy i staro- wiejscy jako autorzy pieśni maryjnych
“Thou, whose goodness of heart is praised by ages”: The Jesuit Fathers of Tarnopol and Stara Wieś as Authors of Marian Religious Hymns

Author(s): Marek Nalepa
Subject(s): Music, Sociology of Religion, History of Art
Published by: Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Keywords: Jesuit Fathers; Stara Wieś; Marian devotion; church song; hymns; partitions of Poland; late Enlightenment classicism; romanticism;

Summary/Abstract: During the 123 years when Poland did not exist as a sovereign country, Mar-ian devotion proliferated throughout its territory partitioned between Austria,Prussia, and Russia. A signifi cant role in the process was played by the JesuitFathers conducting, since 1820, pastoral and educational service in the Polishlands acquired by Austria. Three aspects of the activity of the Society of Jesusin Galicia were crucial in its promotion of Marian piety, i.e., the contributionof the Jesuit Fathers to the growing repertoire of songs related to the VirginMary, the emphasis on highlighting and prioritizing Marian cult sites in thecare of Societas Iesu in the pilgrimage geography, and permanently introducingthe May devotions to honor the Virgin Mary into the liturgical calendar. Thosewho stood out among the Jesuit Fathers in the nineteenth century advancedMariology, were dedicated to their pastoral service, in particular to the missionsand to preaching. Apart from providing educational services, they wrote piecesof poetry as well as religious songs and hymns. Representatives of severalgenerations, including Józef Morelowski (1777–1845), Bazyli Arciszewski(1795–1856), Karol Bołoz Antoniewicz (1807–1852), and Iwo Czeżowski(1814–1889), were prominent in this regard. The pieces they authored havebeen continually present in the Catholic liturgical and popular repertoire to thisday. The paper discusses the biographies of the four Jesuit Fathers in questionand their contribution to Marian devotion, in particular the lyrics of selectedsongs and hymns they wrote.

  • Issue Year: 37/2024
  • Issue No: 3
  • Page Range: 190-222
  • Page Count: 33
  • Language: Polish
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