Alegerile, între legalitate și moralitate. Deviații, perturbații, aspirații
Elections, between legality and morality. Deviations, disturbances, aspirations
Author(s): Ioan Laurenţiu Vedinaş, Verginia VedinasSubject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Civil Law, Electoral systems
Published by: Universul Juridic
Keywords: elections; electoral rights; sovereignty; representative character; restrictions; prohibitions; emergency ordinances; unconstitutionality; illegality; lack of morality;
Summary/Abstract: This study aims to analyze, starting from the provisions of the legislation in force, aspects of the practice of organizing and effectively conducting elections at all levels. The approach perspective will start from the constitutional provisions, both those relating to electoral rights and, above all, those establishing restrictions by Article 115 of the Constitution regarding emergency ordinances. The latter, in our opinion, in government practice were „forced”, not to say even „betrayed”, through regulatory artifices that emptied them of their content. To these are added the „gates” that were „opened” by the decisions of the Constitutional Court, whose philosophical and abstract character gives „free rein” to practices that can be accused of unconstitutionality, illegality and, undoubtedly, lacking in morality.
Journal: Revista de Drept Public
- Issue Year: 2024
- Issue No: Supliment
- Page Range: 13-18
- Page Count: 6
- Language: Romanian
- Content File-PDF