Sacred and Profane in Western Modernity: Occultism, witchcraft and cultural fashions Cover Image

Sacrul și profanul în modernitatea occidentală. Ocultism, vrăjitorie și mode culturale
Sacred and Profane in Western Modernity: Occultism, witchcraft and cultural fashions

Author(s): Dragoș Dragoman
Subject(s): Anthropology, Social Sciences, Sociology, Theology and Religion, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Sociology of Culture, Sociology of Religion, Psychology of Religion
Published by: Eon – Asociație pentru Promovarea Culturii, Artei, Educației și Cercetării Științifice
Keywords: Christian faith; Western Europe; esoterism; occultism; Mircea Eliade;

Summary/Abstract: The survival of traditional religious and cultural elements, even in the most degraded forms, tells the story of their capacity to adapt to modern cultural contexts. Moreover, it unravels the ongoing quest for a sense of being in our modern world. On the one hand, the symbolic forms that populated the universe of the tradition still survive, although their form of manifestation are today hardly recognizable. This is the outcome of an enormous process of acculturation, jointly put in place by the Roman Catholic Church and the modern bureaucratic state. Breaking down both religious superstition and the opposition to political centralization managed to offer a new image of the world, that of the absolute sovereign in Heaven and on earth. The joint collapse of the religious faith and of the supreme monarch left the room for a desecrated, hostile and absurd universe, with no sense for living. That is why new tendencies gained ground especially among young Westerners. The current interest for the occult, magic, witchcraft, astrology, Zen, and other cultural fashions is a sign for their need for a new authentic sense of being.

  • Issue Year: 5/2024
  • Issue No: 4
  • Page Range: 234-247
  • Page Count: 14
  • Language: Romanian
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