Two Flats, Two Studios – Two Historic Spaces. Carol Rama аnd Lika Yanko’s Homes аs “Cabinets оf Curiosities” Cover Image
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Две жилища, две ателиета – две исторически пространства. Домовете на Карол Рама и Лика Янко като своеобразни „вундеркамери“
Two Flats, Two Studios – Two Historic Spaces. Carol Rama аnd Lika Yanko’s Homes аs “Cabinets оf Curiosities”

Author(s): Eva-Maria Ivanova
Subject(s): Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Visual Arts
Published by: Институт за изследване на изкуствата, Българска академия на науките
Keywords: Wunderkammer; museum without walls; historical spaces; museum objects; archive; document

Summary/Abstract: Тhe flats of the Italian artist Carol Rama (1918–2015) and the Bulgarian artist Lika Yanko (1928–2001) were both used as much for living as for working spaces. This paper aims to examine them in comparative perspective. Both artists were collecting objects and were using them in their creative process. The photographic documentation from the two “homes-studios” shows them both as a kind of Cabinets of curiosities: the “homes-ateliers” were filled with a multitude of objects, arranged in special fashion by the artists, and thus acquiring special value. The decontextualization of the collected objects, placed in an unusual environment could also be seen as a form of fetishization of the objects. Being transported into the “imaginary museum” (following the notion, introduced by André Malraux), i.e. the artists’ home-studios, these objects take on an imaginary life of their own, becoming objects of desire and artistic manipulation.

  • Issue Year: 2024
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 290-302
  • Page Count: 13
  • Language: Bulgarian
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