Students from the Srijem County at the Faculty of Law of the University of Zagreb from 1874 to 1918 Cover Image

Studenti iz Srijemske županije na Pravnom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu od 1874. do 1918.
Students from the Srijem County at the Faculty of Law of the University of Zagreb from 1874 to 1918

Author(s): Tihana Luetić
Subject(s): Education, Social history, Higher Education , History of Education, 19th Century, Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919)
Published by: Hrvatski institut za povijest
Keywords: University of Zagreb; Faculty of Law; Srijem County; students; quantitative analysis; genesis of intelligence; social history; 19th century; early 20th century;

Summary/Abstract: The main goal of this paper is to shed light on composition of educated elite in Srijem County since the foundation of the modern university in Zagreb in 1874 until the end of the Monarchy in 1918. It is limited on students at the Faculty of Law in Zagreb and based on the databases made from student registration forms (nacijonali) while enrolling the university. The total number of students who were born or declared that they come from Srijem County enrolled at the Faculty of Law in Zagreb in the period 1874- 1918 was 716, and they were the second largest in the faculty, with a strong growth of enrolled students at the turn of the century. The obtained results of the analysis detect various correlations between academic education and the social, confessional and mother tongue origin of law students from the area of Srijem County. The religious image of the students pointed out the dominance of the Catholic and Orthodox groups, while among members of other confessions, there is an example of Jewish students, represented with four times more percentage than it was a share of Jews in the total population of Srijem County. This issue reveals the attitude of that community towards higher education and also coincides with certain trends within Jewish population in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. The mother tongue, or relatively speaking, ethnic composition of students from Srijem County at the Faculty of Law shows that the proportion of students whose mother tongue was not Croatian or Serbian is significantly lower within the student population at the Faculty of Law than the proportion of residents with these mother tongues in the entire population of Srijem County. It is noticeable that there is not a single student from Srijemska County studying law in Zagreb whose mother tongue is Hungarian, while in the total population there was slightly more than 6% of the population who spoke Hungarian. It is also noticeable that the proportion of students with a German mother tongue at the Faculty of Law in Zagreb is more than five times smaller than the total proportion of the German mother tongue population in Srijem County. In both cases, it can be assumed that Hungarian and German speakers, if they decided to study at the higher education level, chose to study in other university centres of the Monarchy. The social image of students from Srijem County reflected the general social image of the university population in Zagreb, where the sons of public servants were in the lead, but with high shares of new social groups. The interpretation of these correlations is a contribution to putting together a complete mosaic of the educated elite in Croatia in the last quarter of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century and a part of fundamental research devotedto the formation of the domestic intelligentsia in Croatia and Slavonia untill the end of the Monarchy.

  • Issue Year: 2024
  • Issue No: 24
  • Page Range: 77-142
  • Page Count: 66
  • Language: Croatian
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