Duljina studiranja, doktorati i državni ispiti studenata Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu upisanih 1874.-1914.
The lenght of study, doctorates, and state exams of students enrolled at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Zagreb, 1874-1914
Author(s): Tihana LuetićSubject(s): History
Published by: Hrvatski institut za povijest
Keywords: students; Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb; Studies; Doctorates; State Exams; First World War
Summary/Abstract: This work examines the lenght of studies undertaken, as well as taking of exams which marked the culmination of studies: the 'rigorozi' and state exams for professors at secondary schools during the period from the creation of the University of Zagreb in 1874 to the beginning of the First World War.
Journal: Časopis za suvremenu povijest
- Issue Year: 39/2007
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 157-180
- Page Count: 23
- Language: Croatian