Български студенти във Философския факултет на Загребския университет от 1874 до 1914 г.
Bulgarian Students at the Faculty of Philosophy of Zagreb University, 1874–1914
Author(s): Tihana LuetićSubject(s): History
Published by: Асоциация Клио
Keywords: Bulgarian students; Faculty of Arts in Zagreb; Zagreb University
Summary/Abstract: The arrival of Bulgarian students on the Faculty of Arts in Zagreb was caused by various factors. The most important factor was the traditionally good relationships between two nations, especially in the second half of the 19th century. Important factors were also geographical closeness and similarity of two South Slavic languages — Croatian and Bulgarian. The Faculty of Arts in Zagreb greatly influenced the formation of Bulgarian intellectual circles at the end of 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. After returning to their homeland, a number of these Bulgarian students became a part of social elite and they gained certain influential position becoming ministers, university professors or respected cultural and scholar workers. Yet, the greatest number of them found their job as the professor in various Bulgarian gymnasiums thus influencing the creation of new generations of Bulgarian intellectuals.
Journal: Историческо бъдеще
- Issue Year: 2005
- Issue No: 1-2
- Page Range: 236-266
- Page Count: 31
- Language: Bulgarian
- Content File-PDF