Derridian différance. Is a Spelling Mistake Translatable? Cover Image

Différance Derridy. Czy błąd daje się (wy)tłumaczyć?
Derridian différance. Is a Spelling Mistake Translatable?

Author(s): Andrzej Marzec
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
Keywords: deconstruction; Derrida; différance; różnia; rórznica; spelling mistake in translation

Summary/Abstract: The article examines Polish translations of the Derridian term différance. Polish philosophical discourse uses the following renditions of différance: róż(ni(c)oś)ć by Bogdan Banasiak, różNICa by Tadeusz Sławek, gra-na-zwłokę-o-różnicę by Stanisław Cichowicz and the most popular: różnia by Joanna Skoczylas. Should a mistake be deliberately committed in Polish, as it was done in the original? Or should it be corrected, and if so – how to explain the correction? The suggestion to translate the controversial concept by means of a Polish neologism, the neographism rórznica, may be productive and such a solution may be open to a number of interpretations. Thank to its ambivalence, rórznica introduces a majority of Derridian motifs and may generate new ideas and concepts. Moreover, it allows a successful critique of logocentrism and phonocentrism of Western philosophy and a subversion of binary oppositions, hard subject and desire of self-presence. Finally, the misspelled différance may be viewed as an example of grammatical Otherness.

  • Issue Year: 2011
  • Issue No: 24
  • Page Range: 263-280
  • Page Count: 18
  • Language: Polish
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