Kapitał społeczny a nierówności materialne − dynamika związku na przykładzie polskich województw
Social capital and material inequalities – dynamics of connection on the background of Polish voivodeships
Author(s): Marta MłokosiewiczSubject(s): Economy
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
Keywords: social capital; material inequalities; poverty; revenue and expenditure of households; civil society
Summary/Abstract: The purpose of the article is to present a relationship between social capital and material inequalities in the Polish voivodeships in the years 2002-2010. The statement that the dynamics of social engagement, which builds community social capital, determines the range of material inequalities, is taken as a research thesis. The voivodeships were taken as communities, and the inference is based on statistical data. As material inequality indicators were used revenue and expenditure of households and the rate of absolute and relative poverty, and as a social engagement indicators – data on the number of foundations, associations and social organizations. The article has a theoretical-empirical character. In order to achieve the intended purpose, its theoretical part presents the importance of social capital personified in the social commitment to the successful development of the community and solving social problems. In the next parts of the paper the social capital resources in the voivodeships are analyzed and then differences in revenue and expenditure of households and also risk of poverty are described. Applications show the dynamics of relation between social capital and material inequalities in the research period. The analysis shows that observed dynamics of creation of foundations, associations and social organizations (especially associations and social organizations) in voivodeships determined the range of material inequalities. This observation led to a positive verification of the accepted research thesis.
Journal: Ekonomia
- Issue Year: 2012
- Issue No: 21
- Page Range: 242-257
- Page Count: 16
- Language: Polish