Към изследване на записаната музика в България от първата половина на XX век: архиви и колекции
Studies of Recorded Music in Bulgaria During the First Half of 20 Century: Archives and Collect
Author(s): Ventcislav DimovSubject(s): Music
Published by: Институт за изследване на изкуствата, Българска академия на науките
Summary/Abstract: The studies of media (recorded) music have been part of the subject field of ethno musicology. The article focuses the attention upon the early history of sound recording and sound reproduction -the gramophone records and the radio from the first half of 20 century in Bulgaria. The observations are based on the conception of music memory and its institutions - sound archives, museum expositions, collections. In the concrete case - the early recordings in Bulgaria of traditional and popular music - the interpretation of the sources commences with observations upon the Bulgarian trace in the oldest sound archives in the world - those in Wien and Berlin. The debates in the Bulgarian musicological thought about the sound recordings with a scientific aim in the first half of 20 century are being followed. The rich collection of gramophone records (819) preserved in the Institute of Art Studies is emphasized, the earliest ones being recorded on terrain by Raina Katsarova in 1938.A survey of the Bulgarian music recorded in the period with a commercial purpose has been made for the first time, preserved today in Bulgarian archives and collections - e.g. the records from the collection of the Institute of Art Studies (there is a discography as an appendix to the article containing complete information about part of them, mainly with folklore music), the collection of the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communications and Radio “Alma Mater” at Sofia University, data of the collection in some museums and libraries.
Journal: Българско музикознание
- Issue Year: 2005
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 144-171
- Page Count: 28
- Language: Bulgarian
- Content File-PDF