The Feminine Education in Albania During the Years 1925-1939 Cover Image
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Arsimi femëror në Shqipëri në vitet 1925-1939
The Feminine Education in Albania During the Years 1925-1939

Author(s): Fatmira Musaj
Subject(s): Gender Studies
Published by: Qendra e Studimeve Albanologjike
Keywords: Feminine Education ; Albania ; 1925-1939 ; Albanian History;

Summary/Abstract: The educational level of the \VOnlan in the year 1925 \vas rather lo\v. This is connected \vith the lack of a basis of the education in the Albanian language during the ()ttonlan rule and because of the difficult political situations crcated in the country and in the international arena. \vhich hindered the developlllent of the national educational systenl. and. in particular. of the girls' school. In the school year 1925-19~6 the total nUl11ber ofthe girls \\'ho frequented the elel11entary and 11liddle schools \vas 4 673. During the years of the republican regillle the girls' school net\vork did not undergo any change froln the point of vie\v of the geographical extension. preserved Inore or less that ofthe years 1912-1924. Fr0l11 the statistical data it results that in those .years \vere opened ne\v girls' schools. and in the three school years it \vas observed a gro\vth ofthe nUlllber ofthe girls n'equenting the school. The felninine education \vas l110re developed in the regions of South Albania. The felninine education vvas Inore developed in the prefecture of Kon;e and its surroundings. in the prefecture of Gj irokaster and the sub-prefectures of Libohove. Delvine. Pernlet. Sarande and in the to\vns of Fieri and Vlore. The developnlent of the felninine education in these regions is connected \vith the existence of a felninine educational systeln since the end'-ofthe XIX th century. With teachers qualified hOlllC and abroad, the great el11igration in the \\'estern countries. \vith the econolnic and social developlnent higher than in the other countries. the school \vas considered as a 111eans of developlnent and ell1ancipation for the girls. as a place of union and national consciousness. Differently fro III South Albania. the felninine education in Central and Northern Albania was weaker. both \vith the nUlnber ofthe girls' and Inixed schools and the nUl11ber ofpupiIs frequenting thenl. This is connected \vith the presence ofa stronger fanaticisl11 and conservatiSl11 in the native population. the influence of the nonns of the Islalnic religion and ofthe custonlS ofthe country in the life ofthe \VOlllan \vhich ainled at maintening she isolated fronl the society and in ignorance. the \veak econolnic and social developlnent ofthese regions. the difficulties ofcOllllnunication ofthe population especially in the northern and northeastern regions with the urbane centers in the country and abroad because of the geographical configuration etc. The joint action of these factors had led to the preservation of the great patriarchal fanlily etc. Besides these factors, a negative influence had also the lack of the girls' schools and of the teaching staf[ the unsuitable environnlents etc.

  • Issue Year: 2001
  • Issue No: 01-02
  • Page Range: 043-063
  • Page Count: 21
  • Language: Albanian
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