The Holding of More Than One Job and the Rotation as Forms of Mobility of the Scientists Cover Image
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Съвместителството и ротацията като форми на мобилност на учените
The Holding of More Than One Job and the Rotation as Forms of Mobility of the Scientists

Author(s): Vyara Gancheva
Subject(s): Social Sciences
Published by: Институт по философия и социология при БАН

Summary/Abstract: The spontaneous co-existence in time of a variety of changes and combinations of activities is an actual fact in the scientist’s professional career. This fact can be interpreted as an expression of the scientists’ mobility process. The holding of more than one job and the rotation are treated as basic forms of mobility. By analyzing some activity transitions and syntheses (intraprofessional, infrastructural, and interprofessional) characteristic of the scientists, arguments are given proving that these are "strong" forms of mobility. The relation between the accomplished activities is actually existing (in holding more than one job) or continuously becoming actual (in rotation). The strategy of "pro" and "con" holding of more than one job (rotation) is not a constructive one. It is useless and even harmful. Instead, a lot of substrategies can be suggested according to the goals of science policy and the concrete jobs held together or in rotation. In the long run, the balance of functional and disfunctional effects depends on a conformed with objective needs and opportunities legal regulation of the holding of more than one job and the rotation. This regulation should "make provision" for compromise in cases of priority rotations and jobs held together it should stimulate them, but also "watch" over the cases of feigned role behavior (fictitious holding of more than one job), it should facilitate the exchange of activities within the limits of which the scientist is competent, but also it should restrict through the principles of election and authorization - the accommodation to some types of jobs held together.

  • Issue Year: 23/1991
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 68-76
  • Page Count: 9
  • Language: Bulgarian
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