Some synergistic problems with unmotivated students Cover Image

Kai kurios darbo su nemotyvuotais mokiniais sinergetinės problemos
Some synergistic problems with unmotivated students

Author(s): Kazimieras Pyragas, Angelė Borodinienė
Subject(s): Education
Published by: Vytauto Didžiojo Universitetas
Keywords: motivation; synergistic, stratification; dichotomy; mathematical model.

Summary/Abstract: The article have been investigated some of the synergistic aspects of the education system correlated to globalization problems. The mathematical model describing studying homogeneous groups prior to their stratification into two stratums in real-time was created. The article have been investigated a homogeneous group of stratification problem into two stratums. Such problem arises to identify stratification of homogeneous groups in different stratums according to various characteristics of its members or by avowed values. It was found that the motivated (good) and unmotivated (bad) stratums sample is a linear dynamic system whose behavior depends on a number of phenomenological parameters, whose values can be determined after the specific sociopsychological group studies. It is shown that the unmotivated (and motivated) student samples satisfied P. Verhulst equation which has the asymptotic (t→∞) stationary solutions. Found the bifurcation equation trans-crisis outlining the phenomenological parameter values. How to determine the phenomenological parameter values for this equation of unmotivated students are discussed. The dynamics simulation using the standard numeric processor MATHEMATICA is presented. Recommended, how the class can avoid unmotivated student population growth.

  • Issue Year: 2011
  • Issue No: 102
  • Page Range: 44-51
  • Page Count: 8
  • Language: Lithuanian
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