The Curricula Analysis of Natural Science of  Some Countries in the World Cover Image

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The Curricula Analysis of Natural Science of Some Countries in the World

Author(s): Angelė Borodinienė, Alfonsas Ramonas
Subject(s): Education
Published by: Vytauto Didžiojo Universitetas
Keywords: curricula; TIMSS research; efficiency of the education system

Summary/Abstract: In this article, the evaluation criteria of education efficiency have been analyzed. The efficiency of the education system is determined by degree of achievement of the aims. Education system efficiency has been examined by internal and external criteria. The ąuality criteria of internal education system efficiency has been examined on the basis of the theory of "small jurisdictions". In this theory, only minimum standards or reąuirements to the preparation level of pupils for general educational studies (reading, letter and arithmetic) are determined. For confirmation of this theory the results of TIMSS research have been used. Lithuania participated in three cydes of TIMSS research and Lithuania's achievements on TIMSS results have increased from 464 points in 1995 to 488 points in 1999 and 519 points in 2003. Furthermore, the curricula of 28 countries in Europe, Asia and America have been analyzed. The "optimal rime allocation" has been calculated on the basis of time allocation analysis of these countries and mean values of the instructional hours for every subject have been obtained: "Native language" -21,2%; "Mathematics" -15,9 %; "Science" - 9,6 % and "Sočiai studies" - 9,8 %. Finally, the criteria of external education system ąuality efficiency on the basis of the general management theory ("planning - programming - budget") have been investigated. The expenditure on educational systems for 31 countries (% of GDP) is presented in Table 3. Lithuania's expenditure on educational system is 5,17 % of GDP, that is below the average values of 31 countries.

  • Issue Year: 2007
  • Issue No: 86
  • Page Range: 61-67
  • Page Count: 7
  • Language: Lithuanian
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