On the relation between subjectivity and ellipsis. Selected issues Cover Image

Skala subiektyfikacji a stopień eliptyczności wypowiedzenia. Wybrane zagadnienia
On the relation between subjectivity and ellipsis. Selected issues

Author(s): Marta Falkowska
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Wydział Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: obrazowanie subiektywne / obiektywne; gramatyka kognitywna R.W. Langackera; przyimek; przysłówek; subjective / objective construal; R.W. Langacker’s cognitive grammar; preposition; adverb

Summary/Abstract: The paper offers a cognitive interpretation of the phenomenon of ellipsis, according to the model elaborated by Ronald W. Langacker. The cognitive approach is confronted with selected proposals formulated by Polish linguists who represent different methodological frameworks, and the discussion concerning the grammatical status of expressions such as "wokół" ‘(all) around’; "blisko" ‘near, close to’; "dookoła" ‘around’; "obok" ‘by’; "nieopodal" ‘nearby’ provides illustrative material. The expressions in question seem to have an unequivocal status: they are described as prepositions, prepositional adverbs, or else adverbs with atypical functional characteristics. What is more, it is not entirely clear whether wokół represents a single unit of language or homonymous lexical items.

  • Issue Year: 64/2014
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 087-108
  • Page Count: 22
  • Language: Polish
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