Constructing an Empathetic Point of View (as Exemplified by Selected Newspaper Articles on Refugees and Immigrants) Cover Image

Sposoby konstruowania empatycznego punktu widzenia (na przykładzie wybranych tekstów prasowych o problemie uchodźców i imigrantów)
Constructing an Empathetic Point of View (as Exemplified by Selected Newspaper Articles on Refugees and Immigrants)

Author(s): Marta Falkowska
Subject(s): Theoretical Linguistics, Studies of Literature
Published by: Wydział Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: empatia; perspektywa; punkt widzenia; prasa polska; kryzys migracyjny; empathy; perspective; viewpoint; Polish press; migrant crisis

Summary/Abstract: The paper aims at depicting the linguistic (inflectional, syntactic) means through which speakers induce the listeners’ identification with a given scene participant. My focus is on empathy understood as a specific viewing arrangement, i.e. along the lines set by S. Kuno (1987: 206): “Empathy is the speaker’s identification, which may vary in degree, with a person/thing that participates in the event or state that he describes in a sentence.” A broader approach allows us to include also the perspective of the listener, whom the speaker manoeuvres into adopting the viewpoint of a participant of the scene. The study is based on a corpus compiled out of articles published in 2015 in a major Polish weekly “Tygodnik Powszechny”.

  • Issue Year: 2017
  • Issue No: 71
  • Page Range: 139-150
  • Page Count: 12
  • Language: Polish
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