Misiunea credincioşilor laici în societate: operele caritativ-filantropice şi etica socială în gândirea şi activitatea pastorală a Sfântului Ioan Gură
The mission of believers in the society: the filantrophic works and social etichs in the thinking and pastoral activity of Saint John Chrysostom
Author(s): Zoltán BaraSubject(s): Christian Theology and Religion
Published by: Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă Alba Iulia
Keywords: Saint John Chrysostom; Greek Fathers; the laity and social life; identity of the laity; the philanthropic actions in the Church; ideal Christian City;
Summary/Abstract: Saint John Chrysostom (344/354–407 A.D.) was one of the main figures of the 4th- century Christian Church. There is no other Father that left a vaster literary heritage. As regards the work of Saint John Chrysostom, we may say that he has left a great work to posterity, unequalled both in size and in contents, comprising 18 volumes in Migne edition (Father Jacques-Paul Migne 1800–1875: French publisher of theological works, a Roman Catholic priest). The topics that Saint John Chrysostom’s approaches in his homilies, letters and other writings are extremely diverse, tackling all the complex problems of human soul. This paper analyzes the works of the famous 4th-century preacher and orator, mainly his sermons and exegetical writings, focusing on the following subjects and points of view: the laity and social life, the ideal Christian society, the peculiarities of the society, the identity of the laity in the Church, the philanthropic actions of the Church.
Journal: Altarul Reîntregirii
- Issue Year: XVI/2011
- Issue No: Supliment
- Page Range: 211-240
- Page Count: 30
- Language: Romanian