Dvojaké občianstvo v maďarskom politickom diskurze v rokoch 1998 – 2010
Dual citizenship in Hungarian political discourse in the years 1998 – 2010
Author(s): Milan KuruczSubject(s): Politics / Political Sciences
Published by: Ústav politických vied Slovenskej akadémie vied
Keywords: citizenship; ethnic minorities; Hungary
Summary/Abstract: In the presented study there is analyzed a political discourse in Hungary about providing non-resident citizenship to the ethnic Hungarians living abroad. The double citizenship is a delicate phenomenon which is often a subject to intensive internal discussions or even conflicts of different political parties and organizations in various states which introduce this issue to their legislation. In some cases this question touches the interstates relations, particularly if non-resident citizenship has been granted to the members of related ethnic minorities living close to borders of neighbouring countries. In Hungary, the country with nearly 3 million ethnic Hungarians living in the neighbouring states, the double citizenship became one of the central issues of political discussions and confrontations in the years 1998-2010. The principal difference in the approach to this topic between the two main parties - the Hungarian Socialist Party and the Federation of Young democrats (FI DESZ) - lies in the interpretation of the relation of Hungary to the ethnic Hungarians living abroad. While the Socialists are claiming that the ethnic origin and citizenship should not be identical, strategic goal of FI DESZ is to unite Hungarian Nation over the borders by creating judicial ties of members of Hungarian minorities to the Hungarian state including non-resident citizenship. In three debates (1998-2001, 2003-2004, 2010) the arguments used by the political parties were considerably determined by calculations of how could the double citizenship influence their position either in the country or on the international stage. FI DESZ in 1998-2001 did not want to jeopardize the accession of Hungary to the EU and its ambition to become a leader in the Central Europe so that the double citizenship was expelled out of the centre of the political discourse. Instead of that the parliament approved the Law on preferential treatment of Hungarians living abroad. In the two last debates prevailed the interest of FI DESZ to strengthen its position in the political competition with the Socialists.
Journal: Studia Politica Slovaca
- Issue Year: V/2012
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 76-93
- Page Count: 18
- Language: Slovak