Hungary-United States Relations under Obama and Trump Administration
Hungary-United States Relations under Obama and Trump Administration
Author(s): Milan KuruczSubject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, International relations/trade
Published by: Univerzita Mateja Bela
Keywords: Hungary;United States;bilateral relations;democracy;foreign policy;Central Europe;Russia;China, energy;
Summary/Abstract: Changes in Hungary's foreign policy over the last decade, including its relations with the great powers, have become the subject of increased interest for researchers in the field of international relations. These changes have been examined mainly in the context of constitutional and institutional measures udermining liberal democracy taken in Hungary after 2010 and its efforts to diversify external economic and political relations. Hungary - United States relations have been marked by different approaches of the administration of Barack Obama and Donald Trump to the Hungarian government's policy. Differences of these two periods of Hungarian-American relations were examined in the article. Analyses showed that the different values and strategic priorities in the foreign policy of both presidents are especially significant. A noticeable cooling of bilateral relations during the administration of Barack Obama was the result of the implementation of the illiberal concept in the Hungarian political system. The preference for nationalism and power over democracy in Donald Trump's policy has created the preconditions for a turnaround in Hungarian-US relations. Their further development may be complicated by Hungary's maneuvering between the US and its competitors.
Journal: Politické vedy
- Issue Year: 23/2020
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 98-113
- Page Count: 16
- Language: English