Посвещение в старобългарския разказ „Чудо на свети Георги с българина"
Initiation in Old-Bulgarian Story “Miracle of Saint George with Bulgarian Warrior George”
Author(s): Janko HristovSubject(s): Literary Texts
Summary/Abstract: The “Miracle of Saint George with the Bulgarian warrior George” is a part of the Old Bulgarian hagiographical prose. Today this medieval manuscript is known as one of the most important sources, reporting facts from the Bulgarian history between the Christening and the end of the ninth century. In the beginning of the “miracle” the author insists on a specific image – he presents a wandering man, and draws the outlines of initiation or a very similar action. The hagiographer enters into details from the intimate world of the wandering man. The manuscript reveals the life of the peasant George, but the real subject are the three magic rings, their appearance, and forging the miracle cross from them, in an apparent connection to the popular paganish believes. Through traditional motives and Christian symbols, which are interwoven in the text, the hagiographer raises the significance of the cross and clergy in recently baptised society and reveals facts from the daily political and social life of different social levels in early-medieval Bulgarian society.
Journal: Балканистичен Форум
- Issue Year: 2006
- Issue No: 1-3
- Page Range: 52-60
- Page Count: 9
- Language: Bulgarian
- Content File-PDF