Does przypomnieć się komuś ‛to do something in order to get somebody’s attention’ is the same as przypomnieć komuś o sobie ‛to remind somebody of ones Cover Image
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Does przypomnieć się komuś ‛to do something in order to get somebody’s attention’ is the same as przypomnieć komuś o sobie ‛to remind somebody of ones

Author(s): Jolanta Chojak
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Dom Wydawniczy ELIPSA
Keywords: przypomnieć się [komuś]; przypomnieć [kogoś] [komuś]

Summary/Abstract: The author’s subject of interest are the language units formed by the verbal sequence przypomnieć ‛to remind’. Her attention is focused on the linguistic status of the expressions się ‛oneself’ and o sobie ‛of oneself’, the relationships between them, as well as the interpretation of the instrumental case position of the predicate in question. The author distinguishes the following language units: two agentive verbs implicating intentionality: [ktoś] przypomniał [kogoś] [komuś] ‛[sbi] reminded [sbj] of [sbk]’ and [ktoś] przypomniał się [komuś] [z czymś] ‛[sbi] did something in order to get [sbj’s] attention on [sth]’, and the language unit defined as a causative-agentive verb, which has two operative variants: [ktoś] przypomniał [się] // [o sobie] [komuś] [czymś] // [w czymś]. The word się (as well as o sobie) indicates the object position of the predicate, and the instrumental case is the marker of the agentive operation.

  • Issue Year: 2011
  • Issue No: 01
  • Page Range: 16-26
  • Page Count: 11
  • Language: Polish
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