Supplements of the Real. Slavoj Žižek’s Psychoanalytical Philosophy of Ideology Cover Image

A Valós fantáziapótlékai. Slavoj Žižek és az ideológia pszichoanalitikus filozófiája
Supplements of the Real. Slavoj Žižek’s Psychoanalytical Philosophy of Ideology

Author(s): Attila Szigeti
Subject(s): Philosophy
Published by: Erdélyi Múzeum-Egyesület
Keywords: psychoanalytical theory of ideology; ideological master-signifiers; the Real; jouissance; ideological fantasy

Summary/Abstract: The article is an introduction to Žižek’s theoretical-conceptual apparatus and main ideas, focusing on his major works from the 90’s. The radical innovation of Žižek’s theory of ideology is the idea that beneath the symbolic imaginary level of symbolic identification with ideological master-signifiers, what effectively subjugates/subjects us in a given ideology, is in fact the extra-ideological dimension of the Real of jouissance (enjoyment), structured by various unconscious social fantasies: the symbolic norms of an ideology are sustained by the unconscious superego imperative to „enjoy” inherent transgressions of the same norms; the fantasy of the harmonious totality of society as a corporate Body; the projection of the inherent negativity, the real antagonism of every society on figures of absolute otherness: the conceptual Jew; the theft of our own social enjoyment by others. The final part of the article reconstructs Žižek’s philosophy of the subject, in order to address the normative question of the possibility and the modality of „traversing” or negating the ideological fantasies of a social-political system.

  • Issue Year: LXXVII/2015
  • Issue No: 4
  • Page Range: 37-49
  • Page Count: 13
  • Language: Hungarian
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