Conștiința transversalității. Studiu de caz: lectura textului multimodal
The consciousness of transversality. Case study: reading multimodal text
Author(s): Bogdan RațiuSubject(s): Social Sciences, Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Universitatea »1 Decembrie 1918« Alba Iulia
Keywords: multimodal text; multimodal/pragmatic/semiotic skill; stages of reception; literacy
Summary/Abstract: The present study proposes a reading pattern dedicated to the multimodal text. In this way, the theoretical context of the multimodal text will be outlined, the multiliteration and the visual/digital literation, we will notice the approach of the multimodal text in the Romanian school. After that, we will present the stages of the reception of a multimodal product, exemplifying it with approaches of teaching and educating the readers that acutely feel the contemporaneity. We will approach the multimodal skill as an auxiliary skill that the teacher can develop; and we present the multimodal reading as a follow-up of the literary and nonliterary text reading. As a consequence of the theoretical approach based on the studies of Kress și val Leeuween, Jing Liu, Maureen Walsh, Monique Lebrun, Nathalie Lacelle, Jean-François Boutin, we have built a model of the multimodal text on the principle of the dialogue of representations following the progression and the grammar of the multimodal design.
Journal: Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Philologica
- Issue Year: 17/2016
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 411-429
- Page Count: 19
- Language: Romanian