Effectiveness of Coaching in the Process of Integration of the Unemployed into the Work Market  Cover Image

Ugdomo jo konsultavimo veiksmingumas integruojant bedarbius į darbo rinką
Effectiveness of Coaching in the Process of Integration of the Unemployed into the Work Market

Author(s): Asta Židonienė, Daiva Bukantaitė
Subject(s): Education
Published by: Vytauto Didžiojo Universitetas
Keywords: ugdomasis konsultavimas; veiksmingumas; bedarbių integracija į darbo rinką; coaching; integration of unemployed into labor market

Summary/Abstract: Straipsnyje aptariama ugdomojo konsultavimo samprata, kai kurie ugdomojo konsultavimo būdai (GROW, „T“, „Vidinis žaidimas“), tinkami naudoti konsultuojant bedarbius ir nereikalaujantys specialaus pasirengimo. Pristatomas tyrimas, atliktas darbo biržoje taikant ugdomąjį konsultavimą ilgalaikiams bedarbiams. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad taikant ugdomąjį konsultavimą iš esmės keičiasi konsultavimo kultūra, konsultuojamojo ir konsultanto santykiai, stiprėja bedarbių motyvacija, greičiau priimami sprendimai. During the period of the economic crisis, when the number of the unemployed is rapidly increasing and the unemployment is becoming a continuous phenomenon, it is getting harder to change an occupation, one’s financial standing is getting worse, and many unemployed people value this state of being as an uncontrolled life situation. Moreover, the inability of the unemployed to get a job directly affects the economic standing of the entire country. So, only increasingly cooperative work of the Labor Exchange Office and efforts from the unemployed themselves could help to increase the statistics of employment. While planning the process of integration of the unemployed into the work market, the Labor Exchange Office has been using a number of recommendations, questionnaires, methods of scientific research, but reaching the goal in an effective and quick way is not easy. If the unemployed cannot find a job even though he/she visits the Labor Exchange Office regularly, maybe it is worth considering changing the style of consulting. Couching has never been used in the Labor Exchange Office’s practice before. The object of this article is coaching. The article will discuss the opportunities of this style’s application in the process of consulting of the unemployed. The aim of the article is to try out the effectiveness of coaching and its practical application in the process of integration of the unemployed into the work market. “Effective” is being understood as “adequate to accomplish a purpose” in this article. Effectiveness has been measured throughout the entire process of research – in the process of consulting, attempt to analyze the situation and evaluation of particular changes between the initial situation (before the application of coaching) and the outcome (after an unemployed has been consulted applying coaching).

  • Issue Year: 2009
  • Issue No: 18
  • Page Range: 58-71
  • Page Count: 14
  • Language: Lithuanian
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