Opinia prawna na temat rządowego projektu ustawy o zmianie ustawy o sporcie oraz ustawy o ujawnianiu informacji o dokumentach organów bezpieczeństwa państwa z lat 1944–1990 oraz treści tych dokumentów
Legal opinion on concerning the Council of Ministers’ Bill on Modification of the Act on Sport and the Act on Disclosure of Information about Documents of State Security Authorities of 1944–1990 and their Content (Sejm Paper no. 1410)
Author(s): Paweł KościelnySubject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, Civil Law, Sociology of Law
Published by: Kancelaria Sejmu
Keywords: ustration; Bill; sport
Summary/Abstract: The Bill aims at, inter alia, improvement of transparency in terms of organisa‑tion of Polish sport associations and prevention of conflict of interests by putting ad‑ditional limitations on members of sport unions’ management boards. Furthermore thedefinition of sport should include intellectual activities whose goal is to achieve a sportresult. According to the author of the opinion the latter solution is too vague and maylead to broadening the definition of sport in an uncontrolled manner, encompassinga wider selection of human activities than the sponsor of the bill aimed to do. Moreover,the Council’s project classifies members of sport unions’ management boards as publicservants what stays in contradiction to the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Tribunal.The changes of provisions proposed in the bill require a deeper analysis and clarifying.
Journal: Zeszyty Prawnicze BAS
- Issue Year: 2017
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 138-155
- Page Count: 18
- Language: Polish