A comparison of syntax and syntactic constructions of the first (1653) and the third (1673) published grammars of the Lithuanian language Cover Image

Pirmuju spausdintu lietuviu kalbos gramatiku sintaksë
A comparison of syntax and syntactic constructions of the first (1653) and the third (1673) published grammars of the Lithuanian language

Author(s): Vitas Labutis
Subject(s): Theoretical Linguistics, Syntax, Historical Linguistics, Comparative Linguistics, Baltic Languages, 17th Century
Published by: Lietuvių Kalbos Institutas
Keywords: Syntax; 17th century; Lithuanian language; Lithuanian grammar; Linguistics;

Summary/Abstract: The very first grammar (book) of the Lithuanian language-Grammatica Litvanica by Daniel Klein (KlG) was published more than 350 years ago (in 1653). Kristupas Sapûnas also wrote a grammar even before-360 years ago, but it was revised by Teofilis Ðulcas and published only in 1673 (Compendium Grammaticae Lithvanicae; SÐG). Both grammars were written in Latin and after 300 years they both were translated into Lithuanian by Kazimieras Eigminas. Even though the first published grammar of the Lithuanian language was researched by a significant number of linguists (Tamara Buchienë and Jonas Palionis, Kazimieras Eigminas, Kazys Ulvydas, Zigmas Zinkevièius, Giedrius Subaèius, Loredana Serafini Amato, etc.) some moot points still remain. The research has been mainly focused on syntactic parts of both grammars. This article aims to: (1) make a quite exhaustive comparison of the syntactic parts of the two grammars, paying attention to both formal and content aspects; (2) bring out some differences in the grammatical as well as the methodological approach of both authors; (3) make a statistical analysis of the syntactic parts of both grammars (of Lithuanian phrases). While writing the grammar Klein was concerned with the scientific aspects of his work, and he divided his grammar only in two parts - etymology (encompassing phonetics, orthography, elements of word formation) and syntax. Ðulcas had more practical language teaching tasks and probably therefore he divided his text into smaller sections (sectio, caput, articulum, distinctio).

  • Issue Year: 2004
  • Issue No: 06
  • Page Range: 51-62
  • Page Count: 12
  • Language: Lithuanian
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