Archival Pelym-Russian dictionary, compiled by the Russian priest, father Konstantin Slovtsov, as a source for estimating the accuracy of recordings in the Mansi dictionaries of A. Kannisto and B. Munkácsi Cover Image

Архивный пелымско-русский словарь…, составленный русским священником о. Константином Словцовым, как источник, позволяющий оценить точность записей в мансийских словарях А. Каннисто и Б. Мункачи
Archival Pelym-Russian dictionary, compiled by the Russian priest, father Konstantin Slovtsov, as a source for estimating the accuracy of recordings in the Mansi dictionaries of A. Kannisto and B. Munkácsi

Author(s): Juliya Victorovna Normanskaya, Natalia Kosheliuk
Subject(s): Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Historical Linguistics, Comparative Linguistics, Finno-Ugrian studies
Published by: Институт языкознания Российской академии наук
Keywords: Mansi dialects; Pelym; archival data; field data; comparative-historical linguistics;

Summary/Abstract: The article deals with the material from the newly-found in the National Library of Finland Pelym-Russian dictionary, which was compiled by father Konstantin Slovtsov in 1905. Previously the Pelym dialect of Mansi, which has now disappeared, was thought to only be covered by the dictionaries of the Finnish linguist A. Kannisto and the Hungarian linguist B. Munkácsi, whose data often contradicts each other. We used additional data from modern northern and eastern Mansi dia lects, as well as Slovtsov’s dictionary, to establish which one is more accurate. The analysis showed that, while certain words were not similar from the outside, all authors recorded Pelym vowel phonemes fairly consistently and clearly; at the same time, Slovtsov’s dictionary has almost phonological transcriptions, while Kannisto and Munkácsi give pronunciation variants of vowels. The Proto-Mansi reconstruction, made by comparing modern Mansi dialects, is mostly consistent with [Kannisto 2013], which agrees with the traditional notion of it being more accurate than Munkácsi. But Munkácsi and Slovtsov have only two Proto-Mansi phonemes recorded wrongly: Munkácsi *а and *e̮, Slovtsov *е и *e̮. It can be attributed to the specifics of the native languages of the authors. It is worth noting that Russian priest father K. Slovtsov has achieved an accuracy in the phoneme recording, which can be compared to a distinguished Hungarian linguist, and that it was his dictionary introduction into scientific use that allowed to verify the hypothesis of the Kannisto’s recordings’ highest accuracy.

  • Issue Year: 2017
  • Issue No: 03 (26)
  • Page Range: 151-160
  • Page Count: 10
  • Language: Russian
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