Human rights as a value of personal development in the knowledge society Cover Image

Права человека как ценность развития личности в обществе знания
Human rights as a value of personal development in the knowledge society

Author(s): Yury Viktorovich Pushkarev, Elena Aleksandrovna Pushkareva
Subject(s): Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Epistemology, Sociology of Culture, Globalization
Published by: Новосибирский государственный педагогический университет
Keywords: Values system; Legal values; Human rights concept; Personal development; Development of society; Knowledge society; Globalization processes;

Summary/Abstract: Introduction. The article presents a study on the methodological justification of the concept of human rights in modern conditions of society. The purpose of the article is to determine the basic axiological foundations of the human rights concept for the effective personal development in the knowledge society. Materials and Methods. The research methodology is based on general scientific methods of theoretical knowledge, methods of system analysis, comparison and generalization of foreign and Russian studies on the problem of methodological justification of the human rights concept. Results. The authors consider the development of human rights as a social phenomenon included in the overall dynamics of social processes, primarily in the context of modern globalization processes. It is noted that existing processes of globalization in the modern world have contributed to the intensification of the processes of knowledge of universal legal values. The content of human rights category, forming the basis of personal legal status, is specified. The authors summarize the main phases of formation of the human rights category as a specific social value. The specificity of understanding of human rights in Russia, based on the initial connection between law and morality, is emphasized. In the globalization era, there is a change in the emphasis of value bases, but the category of human rights is understood, first of all, as a deep value category, which must be defined as fundamental in the changing values of modern society. Special attention is paid to education as a system which promotes not only the assimilation of value categories, but their preservation and, as a result, successful personal adaptation in the modern changing conditions. Knowledge and information in the context of humanitarian education are not only the basic epistemological and socio-cultural resources of modern society, but also contribute to the observance of human rights, ensuring its self-realization. Conclusions. The authors makes conclude about the axiological foundations of the human rights concept for the personal development in the knowledge society.

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