Digital taylorismand its interaction with thee-learning Cover Image

Skaitmeninis teilorizmas ir jo sąveika su e.mokymusi
Digital taylorismand its interaction with thee-learning

Author(s): Aušra Rutkienė, Gintaras Arbutavičius
Subject(s): Education
Published by: Vytauto Didžiojo Universitetas
Keywords: Teilorizmas; skaitmeninis teilorizmas; mokymasis visą gyvenimą; e. mokymasis; taylorism; digital taylorism; lifelong learning; e. learning

Summary/Abstract: Straipsnyje nagrinėjama skaitmeninio teilorizmo atsiradimo prielaidos ir raida. Atskleidžiama, kaip XX a. atsiradęs ir vystęsis mechaninis teilorizmas XXI a. peraugo į skaitmeninį teilorizmą, kurio esmė – žinių kūrimą paversti žinių pritaikymu: standartizuoti žinias, panaudojant šiuolaikines informacines technologijas kurti standartus, šablonus, instrukcijas, vertinimo ir tikrinimo formas, pereinant nuo tradicinių mokymo(-si) formų prie e. mokymo(-si). Nors teoriškai deklaruojama, jog ugdomos kūrybiškos asmenybės, tačiau daugeliu atvejų viskas standartizuojama ir nelieka jokios kūrybos. Straipsnio tikslas – išnagrinėti skaitmeninio teilorizmo raidos tendencijas ir jo sąveiką su e. mokymusi. The article analyses the preconditions for the emergence and development of digital taylorism and the peculiarities of its interaction with the e-learning. Using the cutting-edge information technologies, digital taylorism transforms the “knowledge creation” to “knowledge application”. with the aid of IT, standards, templates, instructions, evaluation and verification forms of work organization, training and learning are created, i.e. knowledge is standardized. This increases the polarization of knowledge and skills, thus decreases the demand for high-level skill and increases the supply of jobs for those with limited skills. However, in the world the supply of specialists with higher education increases. Therefore, the competition in the labor market between those professionals intensifies and the rates of their remuneration decrease. Due to increasing access to learning, assimilation and cost-efficiency, educational institutions move to various forms of teaching and learning standardization, only to get closer to “the global educational standards”. E-learning is inextricable from the spread of the digital taylorism to the system of education, because all the world is developing teaching and learning standards, qualifications standards, criteria for competency evaluation and recognition, standards of e-learning material development and training, and etc. E-learning is mainly applied for in-service training or for specific skills acquisition, and generally uses the educational model based on a bank principle, i.e. information accumulation, acquisition of standard knowledge instead of encouraging creativity.

  • Issue Year: 2012
  • Issue No: 22
  • Page Range: 10-19
  • Page Count: 10
  • Language: Lithuanian
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