The Right-flank Manoeuvre of the Polish-Lithuanian Army at the Battle of Orscha (8th September 1514) Cover Image

Prawoskrzydłowy manewr wojsk polsko-litewskich w bitwie pod Orszą (8 września 1514 r.)
The Right-flank Manoeuvre of the Polish-Lithuanian Army at the Battle of Orscha (8th September 1514)

Author(s): Aleksander Bołdyrew
Subject(s): History, Modern Age, 16th Century
Published by: Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL & Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Keywords: early modern history of warfare; battle of Orscha (1514); art of war; tactic; Kingdom of Poland; Grand Duchy of Lithuania; Grand Duchy of Muscovy

Summary/Abstract: The battle of Orscha led up not only to clash of the Polish-Lithuanian’s united forces with the army of the Grand Duchy of Muscovy, but also to confrontation of two diffirent fighting styles. Presence of Polish-Lithuanian’s infantry and artillery had made their enemy use appropriate battle order, which made resorting to wide terrain manoeuvre, changing the place of ghatering of the main forces or jumping away to reorganisation the army impossible.The first aspect of united forces’ formation, connected with their support on the bend of the Dnieper in the area of villages Paszyno–Ruklino–Pugajłowo, made possible only defence in chosen area or attack.From between many manoeuvre carried out by united forces during the battle, this one with participation of Polish mercenary cavarly at the right-flank of the Polish-Lithuanian’s army especially draw attention to oneself. Also infantry and artillery, hidden on the south-west edge of battlefield in an alder grove overgrowning the bank of the Dnieper, acted out relevant role. The main issue of this study is clash with the Moscow regiment of the left hand. Moreover I would like to address the problem of possible similarity between this manoeuvre and earlier experience of cooperating cavalry, artillery and infantry.

  • Issue Year: 66/2018
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 25-38
  • Page Count: 14
  • Language: Polish
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