Causes of China-Taiwan Issues and Developments in the Taiwan Strait in the 60's of the 20th Century Cover Image

Príčiny vzniku čínsko-taiwanskej otázky a vývoj v Taiwanskej úžine do 60-tych rokov 20-teho storočia
Causes of China-Taiwan Issues and Developments in the Taiwan Strait in the 60's of the 20th Century

Author(s): Erik Lenhart
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences
Published by: Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave, Katedra politológie
Keywords: cross-strait relations; China; Taiwan; Japan; USA; theory of Rimland; Cold War; Chinese Civil War

Summary/Abstract: This article analyzes the reasons of the origin of the cross-strait issue. The scope of the article encompasses the early beginning of Sino-Taiwanese relations until the 1960s. Methodologically the author utilizes historical-chronological approach and comparative method. The overall approach is geopolitical, the article is based on the theory of Rimland in context of early Cold War period, it also utilizes the theory of military assets by Professor Chong-pin Lin and Sun Tzu’s Art of War. The article approaches the issue of cross-strait regional relations in broader regional, strategic, economic and cultural aspects. The article investigates the synergic effect of the aspects. The goal of the article is to point out the distinctive evolution and historical experiences of continental China and of Taiwan, and about the deep-shared cultural heritage, which interconnects them. The strong influence of Japanese cultural and political heritage in Taiwan and security and strategic concerns of the USA could not be omitted in this article. These have strong impact on contemporary cross-strait relations. For Japan, there are the strategic and the emotional dimensions to consider, since Taiwan was the model colony of Japanese Empire. For Taiwanese politicians, especially for supporters of Taiwanese independence, Japan is a source of inspiration and is often considered as the closest ally in the region. The evolution of the cross-strait relations since the very beginnings of the Chinese settlement on Taiwan has had varying dynamics. The perception of Taiwan has changed in mainland China in time. The Chinese interest was passive at first almost nonexistent. Over the time, Taiwan’s importance has grown for the mainland, not only for the strategic value, and for its emotional value. For the People’s Republic of China, Taiwan is the last territory since Civil war, which is not under PRC rule yet. From the military point of view, the period of the cross-strait evolution until 1960s has established a form of a certain status quo, which could be considered as inheritance of the Chinese civil war and of the early Cold War period. This period is therefore very important for understanding of contemporary cross-strait relations.

  • Issue Year: 2009
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 56-82
  • Page Count: 27
  • Language: Slovak
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