The Old World and The New World As Reflected by Picaroon- vs Candid-like Avatars in Asuntos de un hidalgo disoluto Cover Image

El Viejo Mundo vs. el Nuevo Mundo. Avatares picarescos y candidianos en Asuntos de un hidalgo disoluto
The Old World and The New World As Reflected by Picaroon- vs Candid-like Avatars in Asuntos de un hidalgo disoluto

Author(s): Lavinia Ienceanu
Subject(s): Novel
Keywords: anabatic vs katabatic; candidesque; picaresque; old vs (re)new(ed); „the will to power‖;

Summary/Abstract: Shuttling between the old world and the new world both culture- andarchetypology-wise, the contribution at hand aims to ferret out the similaritiesand contrasts woven into the rich tapestry of Asuntos de un hidalgo disoluto,through which the Columbian novelist Héctor Abad Faciolince is carefullythreading the following different heroic typologies: the picaresque, thecandidesque and that represented by the chief male character of the novel underscrutiny. Firmly grounded in the analysis of said similarities and contrasts, theidiosyncratically fashioned protagonist will then emerge not merely as acoalescence of the typologies in question, but also, paradoxically enough, insharp contrast, or, on occasion, as a perfect complement or even correctivethereto. The paper further seeks to shed light on the continual shift of theColumbian (anti)hero from candid- to picaroon-like stances, with an additionalfocus placed on memorizing, remembering and consigning to oblivion, and,more importantly even, on the intertextual dialogue which these techniques areorchestrating between authors, continents, ages and cultural heritages.

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