Improving Accessibility of Sources Pertaining to the History of Universities in Pre-Modern Times in Central Europe: An Overview of the Past Two Decades and Outlook for the Future Cover Image

Zpřístupňování pramenů k dějinám univerzit předmoderní doby ve střední Evropě: Ohlédnutí za posledními dvěma dekádami a výhledy do budoucna
Improving Accessibility of Sources Pertaining to the History of Universities in Pre-Modern Times in Central Europe: An Overview of the Past Two Decades and Outlook for the Future

Author(s): Marek Ďurčanský, Blanka Zilynská
Subject(s): History, Middle Ages
Published by: Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Nakladatelství Karolinum
Keywords: history of education; Charles University; Prague; Krakow; Vienna; Leipzig; source editions; databases of academics; historiographic overview; Middle Ages and Early Modern Period; pre-modern era

Summary/Abstract: This contribution is a follow-up on an overview presented on the 8th congress of historians in Hradec Králové in 1999. It focuses mainly on editing activities since app. 2000 pertaining to ancient Central European universities in Prague, Vienna, Krakow, and Leipzig. This comparative approach offers an opportunity to identify the main directions of research in the history of medieval and early modern universities in the region, which were since its foundation by Charles IV dominated by the Prague university. Alongside printed editions, the authors also pay attention to improvements in accessibility which are due to digitalisation of source materials and biographic files from the university environment.

  • Issue Year: 58/2018
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 13-25
  • Page Count: 13
  • Language: Czech
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