Analysis of the Consumer Motivations and Social Media’s Effects in Consumer Behaviours’ Impact on Purchasing Intention in the Airline Passenger Transportation Cover Image

Tüketici Motivasyonları ile Sosyal Medyanın Tüketici Davranışına Etkisinin Satın Alma Niyetine Etkisinin Hava Yolu Yolcu Taşımacılığında İncelemesi
Analysis of the Consumer Motivations and Social Media’s Effects in Consumer Behaviours’ Impact on Purchasing Intention in the Airline Passenger Transportation

Author(s): Vahap Önen
Subject(s): Behaviorism, ICT Information and Communications Technologies, Socio-Economic Research, Transport / Logistics
Published by: Orhan Sağçolak
Keywords: Social Media; Purchasing Intention; Consumer Behaviour; Airline Transportation; Hedonic Motivation; Utilarian Motivation;

Summary/Abstract: Purpose – This study is carried out to determine the passengers who bought tickets in the social media platforms pre-purchase and post-purchase consumer behaviors’ impacts on the purchasing intention and the effects of social media on the pre-and post-purchase consumer behaviors via utilitarian and hedonic motivations. Design/ Methodlogy/Approach – By using 5 Likert type face to face survey methodology applied in four scales which hedonic and utilarian motivation, pre-purchasing and post-purchasing consumer behaviours in scocial media and pruchasing intention are used in the study. To measure the scale’s dimensions validtiy and reliability explatory factor analysis, reliability analysis have been applied and lineer regression model used to measure the proposed model testings. Findings – As a result of analysis it was found that there is a positive and significant associations among the pre-purchasing behaviours, post-purchasing in social media and purchasing intention. In addition utilarian motivations of social media has been more clearly perceived by the consumers that there is a significant and positive associations among the pre-purchasing and post-purchasing consumer behaviors, however; it was found that hedonic motivations of social media had no effect on pre-purchase and post-purchase consumer behaviors.

  • Issue Year: 11/2019
  • Issue No: 3
  • Page Range: 1866-1882
  • Page Count: 17
  • Language: Turkish
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