Normative orientation of at-risk adolescents made known through self-presentation Cover Image

Normativne orijentacije adolescenata u riziku iskazane kroz samoprezentaciju
Normative orientation of at-risk adolescents made known through self-presentation

Author(s): Antonija Žižak
Subject(s): Education, Psychology
Published by: Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Edukacijsko-rehabilitacijski fakultet
Keywords: normative orientation; self-presentation; at-risk adolescents;

Summary/Abstract: Literatre review is showing that various phenomenons are considered and defined as normative orientation. For example: lifestyle-orientation, future-orientation, value-orientation, as well as some aspects of moral development. Most of the researches focused on discovering and describing those aspects of life of adolescents are very similar regarding applied (quntitative) methodology. In this article qualitative approach is applied. The data regarding normative orientation of at-risk adolescents were collected through self-presentation strategy. The first aim of this paper is to offer an insight into authentic cognitive patterns of adolescents regarding lifestyle orientation, norms, specific values, as wel as psychosocial risks. Second aim of this paper is to consider the meaning of the reange of adolescent’s normative orientation for the conceptualization of social-pedagogical diagnosis. Participants are forty adolescent aged 12 to 20, who at the time of research were included in the process of needs assessment and intervention planing (27 were in the assessment process in specialized diagnostic institution and 13 in the children’s home preparing for the independent living in the community). Adolescent masagges collected through self-presentation were procesed based on qualitative data analysis. The scope of normative orientation was defined through seven categories: life orientation, relation towards norms, relation towards work, relation towards many, relation towards authority figures, relation towards drags and relation towards violence. Much more elaborated was the part of the theme concerning relatin towards norms, lifestyle and adiction, and less elaborated vere specific values. Regarding style of self-presentation two important features were found, and named as self-presentation through examples and self-presentation through positive orientation.

  • Issue Year: 41/2006
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 39-54
  • Page Count: 16
  • Language: Croatian
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