Qualitative Analysis in Social-Pedagogic Diagnostics Cover Image

Kvalitativna analiza u socijalnopedagoškom dijagnosticiranju
Qualitative Analysis in Social-Pedagogic Diagnostics

Author(s): Nivex Koller-Trbović, Antonija Žižak, Tihana Novak
Subject(s): Education
Published by: Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Edukacijsko-rehabilitacijski fakultet
Keywords: child's participation; social-pedagogic diagnosis; qualitative analysis;

Summary/Abstract: The paper introduces the project of Social-Pedagogic Diagnosis - participation of beneficiaries in the process of assessing needs and planning interventions. It is about a promotional project whose obJective is to maximally involve children/minors into the process of self-recognition, assessment and self-assessment, choosing and deciding regarding the future treatment. Young people become experts' associates in a process that used to be exclusively professional. This approach to practical work has changed the paradigm of approaching the population of children and adolescents with behavioural difficulties, whereas the role of reserchees and researchees is changing within the framework of scientific-research activities. In line with this, the research methodology should be in harmony with the relevant objectives as well as with the manner and the course of the research process. This is the reason why qualitative methodology and qualitative text analysis has been chosen. Text analysis is based on a semi-structured interview with a child (a minor) that is tape-recorded and subsequently written down. This is followed by work on the text with the child (minor) on one hand, and by the analysis of the text performed by several researchers on the other. Since this project is very comprehensive, demanding and time-consuming, it is using the Nvivo software developed for qualitative text analysis. The paper introduces some of the ways of text presentation as well as the answers given by children and adolescents regarding their needs for and possibilities of participation in the process of obtaining a diagnosis.

  • Issue Year: 38/2003
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 189-202
  • Page Count: 14
  • Language: Croatian
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