Weblogs as a Communication Tool of Polish Cities Cover Image

Weblogs as a Communication Tool of Polish Cities
Weblogs as a Communication Tool of Polish Cities

Author(s): Dominika Kaczorowska-Spychalska
Subject(s): Media studies, Marketing / Advertising, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
Published by: Społeczna Akademia Nauk
Keywords: marketing communication; interactive media; weblogs

Summary/Abstract: Hypermedia environment has visibly changed a form and character of communication. What used to be local now gets released from cultural, geographical, historical meanings and is again integrated into functional networks. Time is obliterated in a new communication system because past, presence and future can be programmed in a way that they interact within one message [Castells 2011, p. 404]. From the perspective of territorial units it is a key condition for changes in a current way of perceiving media and in implemented forms of communication with all groups of stakeholders. What may prove to be an interesting alternative here are blogs whose commercial meaning has been considerably growing in recent years. The article attempts to identify possibilities of their usage in the process of marketing communication of cities in Poland.

  • Issue Year: 16/2015
  • Issue No: 4.1
  • Page Range: 375-388
  • Page Count: 14
  • Language: English
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