O traducere neîntâmplătoare, Întâmplările lui Telemah (Buda, 1818)
A nonrandom translation, Întâmplările lui Telemah (The adventures of Telemachus) (Buda, 1818)
Author(s): Alin-Mihai GhermanSubject(s): History, Cultural history, Modern Age, 18th Century, 19th Century
Published by: Editura Mega Print SRL
Keywords: Enlightenment; translations; novel; historiography; bestseller; France; erudition;
Summary/Abstract: The study explores preoccupation of Petru Maior’s congeners (Samuil Micu, Gheorghe Șincai, Ioan Piuariu Molnar) for translations from world literature and the role played by this activity in the dynamics of modern Romanian literature from Transylvania. The author focuses on the sole translation made by Petru Maior. Imported from Italian language yet belonging to the French dramaturgy, the renowned novel Întâmplările lui Telemah, fiului lui Ulise (The adventures of Telemachus, the son of Ulysses) Maior printed at the Publishing House of the University from Buda, in 1818.
Journal: Petru Maior și prietenii
- Issue Year: III/2020
- Issue No: I
- Page Range: 111-120
- Page Count: 10
- Language: Romanian