Restoring and preserving in the Polish society the memory
of soldiers of border groups of the Second Polish Republic
who died in defensive battles with German and Soviet troops
in September 1939 Cover Image

Przywracanie i utrwalanie pamięci w społeczeństwie polskim o żołnierzach formacji granicznych II Rzeczypospolitej poległych w walkach obronnych z niemieckimi i sowieckimi wojskami we wrześniu 1939 r.
Restoring and preserving in the Polish society the memory of soldiers of border groups of the Second Polish Republic who died in defensive battles with German and Soviet troops in September 1939

Author(s): Halina Łach
Subject(s): History, Political history, Social history, Recent History (1900 till today), Special Historiographies:, WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Present Times (2010 - today)
Published by: Instytut Historii UJK - Filia w Piotrkowie Trybunalskim
Keywords: soldiers of border formations; the Second Polish Republic; 1st President of Poland; historical Memory; Polish campaign of 1939; places of struggle; consolidation of social memory;

Summary/Abstract: The article is a reflection on the need to preserve the social memory of the soldiersof the border formations of the Second Republic of Poland. In the Polishcampaign of 1939, they fought a heroic fight with the German and Soviet armies.Sub-units of the Border Protection Corps (BPC) and the Border Guardand units created on their basis haveshown outstanding combat qualities. Theyfought fierce battles against increasingly stronger opponents, including theareas of Wieluń, Hel, Węgierska Górka, Wizna, Shatsk and Wytyczno.After the war, the history of the September events and the memory of thesoldiers of the BPC and the Border Guard were secretly suppressed. Importantobjective facts about the struggles and battles of the soldiers of the PEC and theBorder Guard were deliberately omitted.In the new political reality after 1989, political changes influenced the evolutionof Poles’ historical consciousness, which led to increased public interestin the memory of the BPC and the Border Guard.The main purpose of the research was to determine the places of defensivebattles of border guard soldiers from September 1939, as well as to showthe activities of local government units, social organizations and Border Guardauthorities aimed at restoring and preserving the memory of their heroism inpresent times. The scientific deliberations in the article are concretised on thefollowing thesis: Preservation and commemoration in the Polish society ofplaces where soldiers of border formations struggled in September 1939 constitutepermanent values for the heritage of the nation and the Polish state, whichshould be popularized in the process of upbringing and education, particularlyof the young generation.

  • Issue Year: 20/2019
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 151-175
  • Page Count: 25
  • Language: Polish
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