The Words amour and miłość, aimer and kochać in French and Polish: Semantics, Derivation, Phraseology Cover Image

Les mots amour et miłość, aimer et kochać dans la langue française et polonaise : aspect sémantique, dérivation, phraséologie
The Words amour and miłość, aimer and kochać in French and Polish: Semantics, Derivation, Phraseology

Author(s): Anna Bochnakowa
Subject(s): Morphology, Semantics, Philology
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: love; to love; semantics; morphology; French language; Polish language

Summary/Abstract: The text is a presentation of the presence of the words amour/miłość (Eng. love) and aimer/kochać (Eng. to love) in French and Polish, taking into account the differences in semantics and use in both languages. The semantic relationship of the words amour/miłość and amitié/przyjaźń (Eng. friendship) is indicated, as well as the difference in the degree of semantic intensity between these words. Their derivative phrases and phraseological expressions in which they appear are also presented. The richness of the synonyms for the French word aimer is noted as well as the difference in the meaning of Polish words kochać and lubić (Eng. to like) and their French counterparts aimer and aimer bien/beaucoup with the use of strengthening adverbs, which paradoxically reduce the intensity of the emotional meaning of the verb aimer ‘to love’ to a degree corresponding to the meaning of Polish lubić in specific contexts. Although the words amour and aimer belong to language universals, their meanings and scope of use turn out to be different in both languages.

  • Issue Year: 2021
  • Issue No: 16
  • Page Range: 49-55
  • Page Count: 7
  • Language: French
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