„Un oarecare Russeauvie”. Reacții antiiluministe la Samuil Micu Clain
A Certain Russeauvie – Anti-Enlightenment Reactions to Samuil Micu Clain
Author(s): Alin-Mihai GhermanSubject(s): History, Cultural history, Modern Age, 18th Century
Published by: Editura Mega Print SRL
Keywords: Theology; Enlightenment; Transylvania; culture; church; philosophical controversy;
Summary/Abstract: The author presents the main features and ideas of one of the most important works, equally illustrative but totally unknown to the Romanian Enlightenment in Transylvania: Theologhie sau cuvântare de Dumnezău (Theology or The Speech of God) (mss. 1781, 1798), which is, in fact, a treatise on ecclesiology. Besides characterising Samuel Micu’s work, the lineage of ideas has also been investigated (tracing the influences of Samuel Bochart, Johann Jakob Brucker, G.- L. Leclerc de Buffon, Israel Gotl Canzius, Jean Jaques Rousseau, Baruch Spinoza, Voltaire, Christian Wolf) together with the theses from which the Transylvanian Enlightenment was inspired. The analysis makes a convincing case for the originality of the work belonging to the Enlightenment theologian and for the fact that this man was perfectly anchored in his contemporary philosophical and theological debate. The study demonstrates that Micu was familiar with and worked with ease on the theses and movements of the main ideas of his time.
Journal: Petru Maior și prietenii
- Issue Year: IV/2021
- Issue No: II
- Page Range: 11-24
- Page Count: 14
- Language: Romanian