Nie/porozumienie, nie/tolerancja, w(y)kluczenie w języku i kulturze
Mis/understanding, in/tolerance, ex/in/clusion in language and culture
Contributor(s): Ewa Biłas-Pleszak (Editor), Artur Rejter (Editor), Katarzyna Sujkowska-Sobisz (Editor), Wioletta Wilczek (Editor)
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Semiotics / Semiology, Sociolinguistics, Stylistics
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Keywords: Polish language; stylistics; discourse; sociolinguistics
Summary/Abstract: The epoch in which we live is also full of communicatively difficult situations, resulting from the pace of civilisational changes, cultural and social conflicts, growing divides related to opening to the Other, with whom we are not always prepared to meet. The works and studies compiled in the present book are divided into four parts and the problems described in them focus on many communicative situations and social phenomena. The authors point the language spheres, but also many different contexts of using the natural code, such as politics, racism, gender, sexual orientation, religion, sport, disease and national or cultural difference.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-226-4079-1
- Page Count: 268
- Publication Year: 2021
- Language: Polish
Hejt: Wszystko zaczyna się od języka – zarys portretu leksykalnego wyrazu hejt
Hejt: Wszystko zaczyna się od języka – zarys portretu leksykalnego wyrazu hejt
(„Hate speech”: Everything starts with the language – an outline of the lexical portrait of the word hejt)
- Author(s):Lucyna Warda-Radys
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Semantics
- Page Range:11-24
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:hate; semantics; lexical portrait; borrowing
- Summary/Abstract:The article discusses the meaning and functioning of the English loan word hate/hejt in the Polish language. Using the data contained in online dictionaries (professional and amateur – created by Internet users), information from various websites and web portals, as well as the results of the survey, the etymology of the word, its history, semantic changes and axiology as well as the gradual permeation from colloquial Polish into the general language are presented. Attention is also paid to the dangerous blurring of the concept of hate.
Słowo tolerancja w ujęciu leksykograficznym
Słowo tolerancja w ujęciu leksykograficznym
(The word tolerance in lexicographic terms)
- Author(s):Urszula Sokólska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Semantics
- Page Range:25-39
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:tolerance; semantic field; synonymy; antonymy; ambiguity
- Summary/Abstract:This paper is an attempt at scrutinizing the treatment of the word tolerancja ‘tolerance’ in dictionaries of Polish: the methods and forms of lexicographic description as well as its definitions. The analysis begins with Słownik wileński (‘the Vilnius dictionary’), where the word was first recorded, and ends with the most recent dictionaries, including those whose electronic versions are continuously being developed and updated. Attention is paid to its synonyms and to the words with similar meanings which are used to define the notion. An attempt is also made at signalling the different status and different ranges of meanings of the terms related to the broad category of TOLERANCJA. The obtained findings indicate that the authors and editors of dictionaries are unable to keep pace with the ongoing processes of globalisation, which is why lexicographic definitions of tolerancja fail to include all the nuances which are to be found in contemporary philosophical and sociological works.
Słowotwórcze kreacje odmieńców w powieściach Joanny Bator
Słowotwórcze kreacje odmieńców w powieściach Joanny Bator
(Derivational creations of misfits in the novels of Joanna Bator)
- Author(s):Iwona Burkacka
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics
- Page Range:40-62
- No. of Pages:23
- Keywords:derivational neologism; identification; identity; social role; feminism
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of this text is to present derivational ways of naming and describing the characters in the novels of Janna Bator. The behaviour of these characters differs from the behaviours which dominate in society. In Joanna Bator’s novels we frequently come across characters who have difficulty in identifying themselves (it concerns, among other things, their ethnic, family, sexual, and gender identification), e.g. nieślubek ‘a child born out of wedlock’, mikser‘a half-breed’, homoniewiadomo ‘a homosexual’, transa ‘a transsexual person’, lesbija ‘a lesbian’, buszmenka ‘the female form of a bushman – an inhabitant of the bush’, niematka ‘non-mother’, nieżona ‘non-wife’, niechłopy ‘non-men’, gzijka ‘a person who screws somebody’. The subject of the examination are also derivational methods of the nominalization of untypical animals and fantasy creatures, e.g. motyloskorpiony ‘butterfly-scorpions’, rybokoty ‘fish-cats’, kotojady ‘cat-eaters’, kolczatkolabrador ‘echidna-labradors’. The structure of numerous nouns (e.g. child-daughter, polecat-hamsters) points out a complex identity of the depicted people and animals. The structure of the verbs (e.g. ucórczyć ‘make a girl one’s daughter, adopt a female child’, dziewczęcić ‘make somebody a girl, behave like a typical girl’) indicates an attempt at including them into the community, becoming part of the functioning social roles.
Między innością a obcością – o językowych granicach w(y)kluczenia
Między innością a obcością – o językowych granicach w(y)kluczenia
(Between otherness and foreignness – about linguistic borders of exclusion)
- Author(s):Agnieszka Jedziniak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Semantics
- Page Range:63-73
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:otherness; foreignness; semantics; associative fields; borders of exclusion
- Summary/Abstract:The subject of the article is the relation between the concepts the other and the foreign in the Polish language. The aim of this work is an attempt at noticing the regularities governing the relationship between the other and the foreign and at determining the linguistic borders of exclusion based on the lexical exponents of both concepts. The analysis is based on the respondents’ answers to the concepts of the other and the foreign, focused on the following areas: definitions, equivalents, terms, associations, oppositions, actions of the entity and actions towards the entity. In order to enrich the analyses, a review of dictionary sources and corpus data collected from National Corpus of Polish is also carried out. The collected research material has made it possible to create semantic (associative) fields of the other and the foreign concepts and thus to notice the links and differences between the lexemes on a linguistic level.
Pomiędzy nomina sunt odiosa a damnatio memoriae. O strategiach wykluczania za pomocą nazw własnych
Pomiędzy nomina sunt odiosa a damnatio memoriae. O strategiach wykluczania za pomocą nazw własnych
(Between nomina sunt odiosa and damnatio memoriae. On exclusion strategies by means of proper names)
- Author(s):Mariusz Rutkowski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Pragmatics
- Page Range:77-87
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:public discourse; proper names; pragmatics of naming; naming policy; collective memory
- Summary/Abstract:The article is an attempt at a discourse analysis of the naming sphere, aimed at describing such cases of using and concealing proper names that are intended to the exclude/marginalise the persons. The examples of renaming, euphemising and deliberate omission of names at different levels of discourse will be shown. All these operations have one thing in common: the belief that absence of names or their concealment can be an effective social action. A symbolic omitting or concealing/forgetting a name is sometimes treated as a means of (symbolic) action on an object. Specific cases of such actions from political, historical and media discourse will be analysed.
Język protestu na demonstracjach publicznych kobiet w Polsce z perspektywy lingwistyki płci
Język protestu na demonstracjach publicznych kobiet w Polsce z perspektywy lingwistyki płci
(The language of protest at the public women’s demonstrations in Poland from the perspective of gender linguistics)
- Author(s):Magdalena Steciąg
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics
- Page Range:88-98
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:language of protest; women’s demonstrations; gender linguistics; slogans; flagship words
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the article is to analyze the verbal message of the women’s demonstrations in Poland in 2016–2017. The research material consists of 100 slogans on the demonstration banners collected from pictures published online on Polish nationwide and local media. As most of them are used for self-identification, strategies for the formation of a female self/selves in the public sphere will be recognized. The analysis of the flagship words, in turn, will reveal the world of values and anti-values propagated during the protests. In addition, both anti-discrimination and discrediting strategies of the verbal message of the protesting women will be considered in the context of the degree of in- or exclusivity or the communication crisis in the Polish public sphere.
Archiwum społeczne wykluczonych jako przedmiot badań lingwistycznych
Archiwum społeczne wykluczonych jako przedmiot badań lingwistycznych
(Social archive of the excluded as a subject of linguistic research)
- Author(s):Artur Rejter
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Communication studies
- Page Range:99-108
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:discourse; discourse of exclusion; social archive; LGBT+; communication
- Summary/Abstract:The subject of the work is a social archive of excluded groups of people and various possibilities of its academic research taking into account selected linguistic methods. As the issue of exclusion is not only a communicative but above all a socio-cultural one, both linguistic and sociological approaches to the concept of ‚discourse’ prove useful. Despite the fact that the problem of exclusion as the basic one in the context of identity, pluralism of attitudes, human rights etc. is central for discourses of the excluded, it is situated on a border of many different discourses, e.g. privacy and gender, but also media and official. Because of the specificity of certain communicative behaviors functioning in the area of discourse and its borderline character mentioned above, it is worth referring to the achievements of textology, especially linguistic genology, as well as to the contemporary – pragmatically oriented – stylistics. The complex nature of the discourse of the excluded and its actualization and manifestation makes it necessary to consider not only the corpus of verbal texts but also iconic messages. One should notice that social archive is unquestionably a very important source of analysis and interpretation of discourse of the excluded. The clearly diverse archival units gathered here can provide a comprehensive view of the issue under discussion.
Dyskurs wykluczenia w sporcie
Dyskurs wykluczenia w sporcie
(The discourse of exclusion in sport)
- Author(s):Beata Grochala
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Media studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Sports Studies
- Page Range:109-120
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:sport; medialinguistics; discourse of exclusion; fans
- Summary/Abstract:In the article, the author shows what are the manifestations of exclusion in the media and social discourse in sports. The exclusion concerns nationality (opponents are called Jews), sexual orientation (slogans such as fags) or gender (for example transvestite). The author shows how these and similar terms function in public space and influence on the negative image of sport.
„Oko za oko, ząb za ząb”. Mowa nienawiści i hejt na fanpage’u Ośrodka Monitorowania Zachowań Rasistowskich i Ksenofobicznych
„Oko za oko, ząb za ząb”. Mowa nienawiści i hejt na fanpage’u Ośrodka Monitorowania Zachowań Rasistowskich i Ksenofobicznych
(„An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”. Hatred and hate speech on the fanpage of the Center for Monitoring Racist and Xenophobic Behaviour)
- Author(s):Katarzyna Wyrwas
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Media studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Studies in violence and power
- Page Range:121-132
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:hate speech; hatred; racism; xenophobia; Facebook
- Summary/Abstract:The article analyzes the manifestations of hate speech and hatred in a small sample of the Internet. The study covers the content of posts and comments on the Facebook fanpage of the Center for Monitoring Racist and Xenophobic Behaviour (Ośrodek Monitorowania Zachowań Rasistowskich i Ksenofobicznych) – a foundation whose mission is to combat negative social phenomena in the public sphere in Poland. The collected material shows that the presentation in the media of examples concerning linguistic aggression of persons committing qualified acts and reported by the Center as crimes evokes highly emotional relations among recipients, often referring to the principle of ‘eye for eye, tooth for tooth’, i.e. repaying with evil for evil. The comments often contain hateful and dehumanizing statements that do not contribute to reducing the scale of the problem of linguistic aggression in the society.
„Zagubiona we własnym Ciele” – odnaleziona w języku. Kilka uwag o współczesnym dyskursie somatycznym (na materiale stron poświęconych zaburzeniom odżywiania)
„Zagubiona we własnym Ciele” – odnaleziona w języku. Kilka uwag o współczesnym dyskursie somatycznym (na materiale stron poświęconych zaburzeniom odżywiania)
(“Lost in Her Own Body” – found in the language. A few remarks about the contemporary somatic discourse (on the material of websites devoted to eating disorders))
- Author(s):Magdalena Graf
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Health and medicine and law
- Page Range:133-147
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:somatic discourse; medicalization; discourse onomastics; chrematonymy
- Summary/Abstract:The subject of the discussion are issues related to the body (somatic) discourse observed in the linguistic material of websites created by people identifying with the Pro Ana and Pro Mia movement. The most important aspects of language, such as its medicalisation, similarity to religious discourse and linguistic markers of exclusion were indicated. The interpretation covers both the appellative and the proprial sphere.
Wykluczeni wśród wykluczonych. Obraz chorych psychicznie w dyskursie publicznym
Wykluczeni wśród wykluczonych. Obraz chorych psychicznie w dyskursie publicznym
(The excluded among the excluded. The image of the mentally ill in public discourse)
- Author(s):Dorota Szagun
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Communication studies, Sociolinguistics
- Page Range:148-161
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:discourse; social exclusion; linguistic discourse analysis; public communication
- Summary/Abstract:This article discusses the issue of social exclusion of people with mental illnesses present in public discourse, especially in the media. The linguistic analysis of discourse shows that the exclusion occurs through culturally-established linguistic forms and structures, the use of speaking mechanisms from the position of medical and legal institutional authority, in particular the portraying of persons with mental illnesses in a criminal context (equating the offender with a mental illness) or as objects of internment. The aim of the article is to indicate the permanent and socially undesirable mechanisms of exclusion of people with mental illnesses present in public discourse, but also to emphasize changes and actions towards the inclusion of sick people in social reality. The restoration of people with mental illnesses to society is expressed in a new language (the so-called ethical and inclusive speaking) and genre (coming out).
W(y)kluczenie pani Heleny. Warszawska kariera Modrzejewskiej w dyskursywnym oświetleniu
W(y)kluczenie pani Heleny. Warszawska kariera Modrzejewskiej w dyskursywnym oświetleniu
(Exclusion of Helena. Mrs Modrzejewska’s career in Warsaw in the discursive light)
- Author(s):Danuta Kowalska, Magdalena Pietrzak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theatre, Dance, Performing Arts, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, 19th Century
- Page Range:162-177
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:exclusion; discourse; 19th century theatre; Helena Modrzejewska
- Summary/Abstract:The analyses concern texts which present Helena Modrzejewska’s career in Warsaw, and, above all, her arrival in Warsaw, first guest performances and events preceding her departure to America. The study has been set in the discursive perspective and the texts can be classified into three types of discourse: press (critical and journalistic), biographical and private. Each of them portrays Helena Modrzejewska in a different role and from a different angle. In the press discourse, drawn from the perspective of journalists and theatre critics, Helena has been shown as an actress. What is particularly visible here is her remarkable acting ability, setting her apart as a leading actress. In turn, the private discourse depicts Helena Modrzejewska as a woman and a wife. The emotional and axiological layer of the text varies depending on the authors’ letters and their intentions. The biographical discourse creates the most comprehensive picture of Helena in her three most basic roles: as an actress, as a woman and as a wife. Biographical texts depict Helena’s life and career from the perspective of time and this is why they portray her in full light, thus providing objectivity.
„Tęczowa Matka Boska”. (Nie)porozumienia mediologiczne
„Tęczowa Matka Boska”. (Nie)porozumienia mediologiczne
(Rainbow Madonna. Mediological (mis)understandings)
- Author(s):Marta Wójcicka
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Media studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Culture and social structure
- Page Range:181-192
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:cultural text; trace; message; form; memory carrier; mediology
- Summary/Abstract:The article presents a mediological analysis of multimodal cultural text, which functions in a public discourse as ‘Rainbow Madonna’. In this text the author of the poster has combined two cultural symbols: a painting of Black Madonna of Częstochowa and a rainbow. The aim of this article is an attempt at looking at one text from three different perspectives, which are the reason of misunderstandings. A starting point of the analysis is a conception by Regis Debray, who distinguished three types of monuments: traces, messages and forms. This proposal was modified by the author, who – adopting a memoryological perspective - defined the analysed cultural text – due to its cultural references – as a carrier of memory, which, because of its functions, was described as a trace or testimony, a message and a communication of the past.
Komunikacyjne thrombosis. O współczesnych interpersonalnych aporiach semantyczno-komunikacyjnych
Komunikacyjne thrombosis. O współczesnych interpersonalnych aporiach semantyczno-komunikacyjnych
(Communication thrombosis. About contemporary interpersonal, semantic and communication aporias)
- Author(s):Paweł Graf
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Communication studies
- Page Range:193-205
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:aporeticity; social communication; communication barriers; homo esteticus; homo ideologis
- Summary/Abstract:The test analyzes numerous communication aporias that prevent conflict-free interpersonal communication. The inability of opponents to meet in the discourse leads to “communication thrombosis”, the eponymous thrombosis, which is responsible for the spread of bad energy and interpersonal aggression. The text looks for possible solutions to this situation and proposes replacing homo ideologicus by homo esteticus.
Struktury dialogowe wśród XIX-wiecznych aktów notarialnych łukowskich
Struktury dialogowe wśród XIX-wiecznych aktów notarialnych łukowskich
(Dialogue structures among nineteenth-century notarial contracts from Łuków)
- Author(s):Joanna Kuć
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Communication studies, 19th Century
- Page Range:206-214
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:dialogue; notarial contract; social communication behavior; 19th century; Łuków
- Summary/Abstract:The article describes a special kind of communication in the form of dialogue with the replica that we observe in the 19th century notarial contracts from Łuków – acts of respect and permissions to marry. This is a peculiar and rare phenomenon in office registers, which have a standardized, formal language and architecture. An act of respect is a precedent text – a request that evokes a response in the form of a marriage permit. The traces of the links between the two agreements manifest themselves in the variable perspective of communication, the nature and direction of the relationship. They can be seen in the strategy of the sender’s actions towards the recipient, the intended play depending on the communication situation and the illusionary power of the act. Such a dialogue, resulting from the institutional discourse, respecting the social communication behavior and the different roles of the subjects perceived from different perspectives, is a clear communication strategy that fits into the intention of the act.
Niemieckie akty skruchy wobec Polski a konflikty pamięci zbiorowych. Lingwistyczna analiza sprzeczności w dyskursach pamięci
Niemieckie akty skruchy wobec Polski a konflikty pamięci zbiorowych. Lingwistyczna analiza sprzeczności w dyskursach pamięci
(German acts of contrition towards Poland and the conflicts of communal memory. Linguistic analysis of contradictions in discourses of memory)
- Author(s):Waldemar Czachur
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics
- Page Range:217-232
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:discourses of memory; acts of contrition; contradiction; conflict of memory; Polish-German dialogue
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of this work is a linguistic study of the phenomenon of contradiction and conflict in binational discourses of memory as well as the very possibility of grasping it. In this context, the memory conflict is defined as a disclosed contradiction which is, on the one hand, a discursive and cultural phenomenon and, on the other, a catalyst of change for discourses of memory. Accordingly, this work attempts to carry out a linguistic analysis of the acts of contrition carried out by German politicians in Poland between 1989 and 2019, focusing on the textual and discursive determinants of contradiction. In this context, it is assumed that the acts of contrition expressed by German politicians were connected with the need of addressing the contradictions present in the Polish discourse of memory, while respecting the contradictions present in the German discourse. As a result, these contradictions – both in the national memory discourses and between Polish and German memory discourses — were becoming less pronounced.
„Anglicy nie lubią ujawniać swoich uczuć…”. Komunikacja międzykulturowa w świetle materiałów do nauki języka angielskiego dla polskich emigrantów wojennych w Wielkiej Brytanii (lata 40. XX wieku)
„Anglicy nie lubią ujawniać swoich uczuć…”. Komunikacja międzykulturowa w świetle materiałów do nauki języka angielskiego dla polskich emigrantów wojennych w Wielkiej Brytanii (lata 40. XX wieku)
(“The English do not like to reveal their feelings ...”. Intercultural communication in the English language learning materials for Polish war emigrants in Great Britain (1940s))
- Author(s):Irmina Kotlarska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Foreign languages learning, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Communication studies
- Page Range:233-246
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:intercultural communication; EFL textbooks analysis; Polish-English language contacts
- Summary/Abstract:The study examines the linguistic manifestations of intercultural communication in English language learning materials addressed to Polish soldiers on the British Isles during World War II. The aim of the analyses is to describe the linguistic and cultural content and to indicate their functionalisation. The conducted analyses allow us to state that the cultural content serves not only to enrich communicative competences, but also to maintain the national and community identity among Polish soldiers.
Ciapaci, szmatogłowi i muzole. Negatywny wizerunek islamu w Polsce
Ciapaci, szmatogłowi i muzole. Negatywny wizerunek islamu w Polsce
(Ciapaci, szmatogłowi and muzole. The negative image of Islam in Poland)
- Author(s):Paweł Baryś
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Islam studies
- Page Range:247-263
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Islam; Muslim; Poland; image; aversion
- Summary/Abstract:The article is devoted to the problem of the negative image of Islam and its followers in Poland. The author begins his deliberations with the history of the Tatar settlement in the territory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the history of Polish-Muslim relations. He brings up the issue of the presence of the Mohemmedan culture elements in the Polish language. He shows the affinities between Christian and Islamic cultures and analyses the causes and methods of constructing a negative image of Muslims in Poland. The author concludes the article by suggesting a solution to this unfavorable situation – he sees hope in deep reflection on the republican attitude (in the sense in which Friedrich Nietzsche considered republican rhetoric) and the Quaker attitude, which, although almost completely absent in Polish discourse, can, thanks to its universality, facilitate agreement between representatives of different cultures and deepen mutual understanding.