Sarmackie theatrum. T. 4: Studia o literaturze i książce dawnej
Sarmackie theatrum. T. 4: Studia o literaturze i książce dawnej
Contributor(s): Mariola Jarczykowa (Editor), Renarda Ocieczek (Editor)
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Keywords: literatura staropolska; sarmatyzm; historia literatury polskiej; kultura staropolska; sztuka staropolska
Summary/Abstract: To już czwarty tom wydawnictwa Zakładu Historii Literatury Baroku i Dawnej Książki, który stanowi kontynuację poprzednich. Książka jest pracą zbiorową i zawiera 11 rozpraw historycznoliterackich, głównie z zakresu literatury i kultury staropolskiej. Tom otwiera obszerny wstęp prof. dr hab. Renardy Ocieczek, w którym przypomniana została historia powstania Zakładu oraz dotychczasowe dokonania jego pracowników.Wśród zamieszczonych tekstów znalazły się artykuły poświęcone różnorodnej tematyce, zgodnej z zainteresowaniami naukowymi autorów. I tak w tomie znajdują się teksty poświęcone spuściźnie Łukasza Górnickiego (Anna Sitkowa), tłumaczeniom Franciszka Zabłockiego (Bożena Mazurkowa), domniemanej twórczości Olbrychta Karmanowskiego (Janusz Ziembiński).Sporo miejsca zajmują rozprawy koncentrujące się wokół eposów rycerskich – Jerozolimy wyzwolonej w tłumaczeniu Dionizego Piotrowskiego (Monika Kucharczyk), Wojny chocimskiej (Renarda Ocieczkowa), Obleżenia Jasnej Góry Częstochowskiej (Monika Kulig, Joanna Chybiorz). Zagadnienie epiki heroicznej, a dokładnie motywów szpiegowskich, zostało przedstawione przez Renatę Rybę.O motywie spotkania Kupidyna i Śmierci, obecnym w literaturze staropolskiej pisze Marzena Walińska, natomiast w rozprawie Marioli Jarczykowej odnajdujemy szczegółowy opis oprawy pogrzebu Jerzego Radziwiłła.Sarmackie theatrum tradycyjnie już jest propozycją dla szerokiego (i różnorodnego) grona odbiorców, które zainteresowane jest obecnością sarmatyzmu w literaturze i sztuce staropolskiej.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8012-567-4
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-226-1834-9
- Page Count: 240
- Publication Year: 2009
- Language: Polish
Indeks osobowy
Indeks osobowy
- Author(s):Mariola Jarczykowa
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:229-237
- No. of Pages:9
Liberi et libri. Z wydawniczych dziejów spuścizny Łukasza Górnickiego w pierwszej połowie XVII wieku
Liberi et libri. Z wydawniczych dziejów spuścizny Łukasza Górnickiego w pierwszej połowie XVII wieku
(Liberi et libri. From the editorial history of the legacy of Łukasz Górnicki in the first half of the 17th century)
- Author(s):Anna Sitkowa
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:15-37
- No. of Pages:23
- Summary/Abstract:The article presents the editorial activity of Łukasz Górnicki’s (1527—1603) sons who gaveback the works left by their fathers to the printing press between 1616 and 1650. The genesis ofeditorial initiatives taken by Górnicki brothers was their attempt to reveal a literary theft commit‑ted by Jędrzej Suski who published Łukasz Górnicki’s Rozmowa Polaka z Włochem under his ownname in 1616. The work also discusses dedicatory letters with which the editors provided the 17thcentury editions of the works by Dworzanin polski, as well as mentions the translatory work byŁukasz Górnicki, the son.
- Price: 4.50 €
Literacka „oprawa” śmierci i pogrzebu Jerzego Radziwiłła (1616—1617)
Literacka „oprawa” śmierci i pogrzebu Jerzego Radziwiłła (1616—1617)
(A literary “frame” of death and funeral of Jerzy Radziwiłł (1616—1617))
- Author(s):Mariola Jarczykowa
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:39-58
- No. of Pages:21
- Summary/Abstract:The article makes use of unknown manuscript and printed sources from the 17th century pre‑senting death of Jerzy, a one year son of Krzysztof and Anna Radziwiłł. In the light of these materi‑als it is possible to bring the Old‑Polish attitude towards children’s death closer and reconstruct thedetails of pompa funebris at that time.The letters of Protestant clerics, above all, preserved condolences offered to the hetman. Also,they contain notes on preparations for the funeral and occasional publishing houses concerning thedead. One of such prints is Lacrymae exequiales in obitum praeproperum Georgii Radivilli infantisa studiosis Gymnasi Birzensis fusae which consists of the Polish poems by Rajski brothers. Theauthors, comforting princess Anna, referred to, among other things, Jan Kochanowski’s Laments.What remained was also a copy of the speech given during the funeral of Jerzy Radziwiłł. It isa thanksgiving oration on behalf of the dead’s family, directed at the participants of the ceremony.An anonymous author referred to the authority of Heraclitus of Ephesus and cited The Bible, aboveall, The Book of Psalms and The Book of Job many times.
- Price: 4.50 €
O Liście do lisowczyków przypisywanym Olbrychtowi Karmanowskiemu
O Liście do lisowczyków przypisywanym Olbrychtowi Karmanowskiemu
(On List do lisowcz yków ascribed to Olbrycht Karmanowski)
- Author(s):Janusz Ziembiński
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:59-77
- No. of Pages:19
- Summary/Abstract:The article constitutes an attempt to read out List do lisowczyków, a poetic insult at a famous unit,ascribed to Olbrycht Karmanowski. This attribution was retained. What was rejected, on the otherhand, was a combination of a poem with notes on lisowczyki in Karmanowski’s correspondence from1625 as a basis of this attribution present so far in the literature. The poet had many possibilities ofcoming across their plunders, especially between 1619 and 1623 when the problems with lisowczykiwere given the biggest place in the literature. This hypothetical time of List… is most probable.Reading out the poem allows for a conclusion that this is a work of a precise rhetorical organizationand rather an example of a “high” civic poetry than a literary journalism. The author wasan outstanding and technically good poet. Similar poetical means are observed in Kochanowski’sworks, which, without a doubt, were written by him.List… confirms the historians’ opinions on the nature of lisowski formation, the Polish, noble,and deprived of religious motivation in its actions. It is a look of a nobleman and citizen, perhaps alsoconnected with the military state. Formulating a moral and social evaluation, the author appreciatesa military value of the famous regiment.
- Price: 4.50 €
Pochwała Kochanowskich — raz jeszcze
Pochwała Kochanowskich — raz jeszcze
(The appraisal of Kochanowski — once again)
- Author(s):Maria Barłowska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:78-97
- No. of Pages:20
- Summary/Abstract:The subject of analysis constitutes the so far unknown work containing the appraisal of Jan,Andrzej and Piotr Kochanowski, recorded in the manuscript of the Ossoliński National Institute 647I on k. 167 v. The anonymous letter was found in the manuscript connected with the surroundingof Arian in the form of the fragment Z Listu do Jego Mości Pana Dominika Kazanowskiego, co goKochanowska urodziła, o Kochanowskich. As the appraisal of the ancestors on their mother’s side, itconstitutes a thematic whole. It may have been created because of Kochanowski’s wedding in 1636.His laudation makes use of the already known subject‑matter(S.F. Klonowic, K. Miaskowski) andintroduces references to the poetry from Czarnolas but, above all, underlines a creative inclusionof the poet into the heritage of the European tradition. Andrzej Kochanowski as a translator of TheAeneid allusively referred to and Piotr Kochanowski as a translator of Tasso, a poetic work on heroicGofred were treated as continuators of the achievements by Jan from Czarnolas. A poetic letter,recorded in the group of works ascribed by Hieronim Juszyński to Hieronim Moskrzowski, allowsfor asking the question on the rightness of this attribution.
- Price: 4.50 €
Motywy szpiegowskie w staropolskiej epice heroicznej (na wybranych przykładach)
Motywy szpiegowskie w staropolskiej epice heroicznej (na wybranych przykładach)
(Spy motives in the Old‑Polish heroic narrative (on selected examples))
- Author(s):Renata Ryba
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:98-127
- No. of Pages:30
- Summary/Abstract:The work concerns the means of functioning spy motives, especially Baroque ones in theworks of the nature of a heroic narrative, among other things, in Potrzeba z Szeremetem by SamuelLeszczyński and Mars sauromacki by Samuel (Hutor) Szymonowski and Przeważna legacyja bySamuel Twardowski. The very motive fulfilled various functions, i.e. interested with a thrilling plot,co‑createdthe image of a good because a sensible ruler constituted an important evidence of truth ofthe events presented from the perspective of the poetics of “native heroicum” at that time.The literary motives in question are placed in the cultural context; the traces of spy art findtheir proofs in the Bible. The presence of spy motives was also recorded in the Ancient literature (inworks by Homer and Virgil).
- Price: 4.50 €
Kupidyn i Śmierć, czyli o pewnej niezwykłej przygodzie antycznego bożka w poezji staropolskiej opisanej
Kupidyn i Śmierć, czyli o pewnej niezwykłej przygodzie antycznego bożka w poezji staropolskiej opisanej
(Cupidine and Death or on a certain unique story of the Ancient god in the Old-Polish poetry described)
- Author(s):Marzena Walińska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:128-144
- No. of Pages:17
- Summary/Abstract:The very dissertation is devoted to three works of the Old‑Polishliterature describing themotive of the meeting of the love god, Cupidine with Death, arrow changes and consequences derivingfrom it. The anecdote, unknown from Ancient messages, is the subject‑matterof the 157 workfrom Figliki by Mikołaj Rej and constitutes one of the most interesting examples of using mythologyin his writings. The text entitled in the same way (Śmierć z Kupidynem), probably based onFiglik, includes a selection of Fraszki by Wacław Potocki also written at the end of the 17th century.The story described therein is enriched with the local colouring and extra details, and, at the sametime, deprived of the moralizing comment, which closed Rej’s work. The third one, in which the verymotive appears with substantial modifications, is an idyl V from Sielanki nowe ruskie by Józef BartłomiejZimorowic. By means of a unique story of the weapon exchange of the love god, Zimorowicshows a premature death of Szymon’s younger brother (the text was created on the 18th anniversaryof his death) in a metaphorical way.In conclusion, the hypothesis on a common source of the motive, i.e. an LXV emblem fromKsiążeczka emblematów by Andrei Alciatus is put forward.
- Price: 4.50 €
„Sarmacka frazeologia” w Wojnie chocimskiej Wacława Potockiego
„Sarmacka frazeologia” w Wojnie chocimskiej Wacława Potockiego
(“A Sarmatian phraseology” in Wojna chocimska by Wacław Potocki)
- Author(s):Renarda Ocieczek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:145-154
- No. of Pages:10
- Summary/Abstract:The author of the article observes the functioning of the lexemes Sarmacja Sarmata and theirderivatives in Wojna chocimska (17th century), a poem by Wacław Potocki. She points to the multiplicityof phraseological connections with the contribution of these lexemes and asks the questionson the motivation of their incorporation into the work.The final statements emphasise the importance of ideological messages and picturesque qualitiesof Potocki’s “Sarmatian phraseology”. According to the author, it constitutes an appeal for theheart and mind of contemporary Poles at the time of Potocki, and introduces patriotic emotions andmoral evaluations into the sphere of citizen duties.
- Price: 4.50 €
Franciszka Zabłockiego pieśń na cześć Bachusa
Franciszka Zabłockiego pieśń na cześć Bachusa
(Franciszek Zabłocki’s song in honour of Bachus)
- Author(s):Bożena Mazurkowa
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:155-175
- No. of Pages:21
- Summary/Abstract:The subject of the dissertation comparative in nature is a comparative analysis of a drinkingPieśń bachiczna by Franciszek Zabłocki, published in “Zabawy przyjemne i pożyteczne” (1774),with an original version of this text, Chanson bachique, introduced in the first edition of the Frenchspeaking literary magazine “Journal Polonais” (1770). The considerations lead to the emphasis ofthe main features of a poetic workshop the Polish author used, translating the French work based ona mythological material. The circle of observation also covers the major principles providing patronagefor the method of translation used by Zabłocki. A characteristic involving a versification shapeand a stylistic‑linguisticlayer of both texts leads to the indication of the extent of the dependence ofthe Polish text from the original version, as well as the distinction of original author’s solutions ofa translator, deriving from specific features of his /her creative workshop and artistic preferences.The effect of comparative investigations is the recognition of the poem by Zabłocki as the translationfairly faithfully reflecting the meaning of particular parts of the French work, at the same time, withthe enrichment of the original work with additional references to the mythological sphere and thereal extra‑literaryreality. The criterion of the means of the treatment of analogical contents by thetranslator, as well as a linguistic‑stylisticand poetic shape of the text allow for considering Pieśńbachiczna as a free artistic translation, oscillating between the translation proper and adaptationwhich contains the elements of a translatory interpretation.
- Price: 4.50 €
Jerozolima wyzwolona Torquata Tassa w dziewiętnastowiecznym przekładzie Dionizego Piotrowskiego
Jerozolima wyzwolona Torquata Tassa w dziewiętnastowiecznym przekładzie Dionizego Piotrowskiego
(Jerozolima wyzwolona by Torquat Tass in the 19th century translation by Dionizy Piotrowski)
- Author(s):Monika Kucharczyk
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:176-195
- No. of Pages:20
- Summary/Abstract:At the beginning of the article »Jerozolima wyzwolona« by Torquat Tass in the 19th centurytranslation by Dionizy Piotrowski the author makes a point that the reception of the Italian poem inwestern Europe is different than in Poland (in the West there is the lack of a dominant translation,the poem is popularized by numerous examples, not the Italian original). Further on, she discussesthe exemplary model used in the Polish version of Tass’ poemThe dissertation discusses the fragments of the work presenting the scenes of the battles andduels, descriptions of nature, the outlooks of female characters and their feelings. The comparativeanalysis showed that Piotrowski used numerous substitutions, reductions and amplifications. In thecontext of the whole translation, these are slight changes which do not interfere with the world ofthe poem. The text was translated rather well, however, the translator did not manage to reflect theartistic level of the artistic work.Jerozolima wyzwolona, deriving from the 19th century, has, above all, a historical meaning forthe contemporary researcher. The basic advantage of the translation is its faithfulness to the originalversion. Besides, the translator understood the original text well and was resistant to the influencesof Piotr Kochanowski, which was impossible for the translators of Jerozolima wyzwolona.
- Price: 4.50 €
Modlitwa jako element struktury Obleżenia Jasnej Góry Częstochowskiej
Modlitwa jako element struktury Obleżenia Jasnej Góry Częstochowskiej
(A prayer as an element of the structure of Obleżenie Jasnej Góry Częstochowskiej)
- Author(s):Monika Kulig
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:199-215
- No. of Pages:17
- Summary/Abstract:The article concerns the prayers included in Obleżenie Jasnej Góry Częstochowskiej, an anonymouswork from the 17th century. During the analysis and interpretation of supplications appearingin the work, the author pays attention to their fixed elements. The new elements introduced by theauthor of the poem underwent a more detailed observation. They make a given act be characteristicof only an appropriate fiction situation and readable only in a given context. She indicates the influenceof church’s preaching on the construction of prayer acts, traces of old pagan beliefs and magicrituals in the contents of the prayers of Obleżenie… She presents the situations in which the prayersappear and the way in which by means of the prayer acts the author gives a spiritual characteristicof the characters, and, thus, introduces an element of literariness to the chronicle report from thecourse of he battle for the monastery.
- Price: 4.50 €
Znaki na niebie, wizje, objawienia w Obleżeniu Jasnej Góry Częstochowskiej
Znaki na niebie, wizje, objawienia w Obleżeniu Jasnej Góry Częstochowskiej
(Signs on the sky, visions, revelations in Obleżenie Jasnej Góry Częstochowskiej)
- Author(s):Joanna Chybiorz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:216-228
- No. of Pages:13
- Summary/Abstract:The article presents different means of the usage of the portentuous issues in Obleżenie JasnejGóry Częstochowskiej. In the majority of the 17th century epic poems (Jerozolima Wyzwolona, Wojnachocimska), it is connected with the classification of the characters into good and bad. Positivecharacters (Christians, Poles) have a chance of getting to know the future with God’s help whereasthe bad ones, Satan’s henchmen do not have any chances to see it. The author of Obleżenie…, incomparison with Tass and Potocki, uses predictions and prophecies in an original way. Above all,it presents the widest array of the possibilities of the “conversation” with God among which appearsigns on the sky, visions and revelations. The choice of the means is dictated by the person at whomthe prophecy is directed. The attention should be paid to the fact that the anonymous author of theepic poem on the siege of the monastery in Jasna Góra allows for the meeting with God or Maryboth in the case of positive and negative characters, presenting it as an award on the one hand, andthe emphasis of failure on the other.
- Price: 4.50 €