Współczesne trendy bezpieczeństwa biznesu. Problemy i wyzwania gospodarek wschodnich
Contemporary trends in business security. Problems and challenges of eastern economies
Contributor(s): Beata Glinkowska-Krauze (Editor)
Subject(s): Economy, Business Economy / Management
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: Ukraine; Poland;eastern economies;business; security;trends
Summary/Abstract: Monograph Contemporary trends in business security. Problems and challenges of eastern economies is a scientific study that has been supported by empirical research and case studies. This monograph is the result of joint and individual international work, researching trends, problems and challenges facing eastern economies, especially in the field of business security. The periodic publication of research results ensures continuity and topicality of participation in the problems of the functioning of modern enterprises in an international, turbulent environment. Previous publications, which were created as part of the cooperation of students, doctoral students, research workers, representatives of local governments and business, were coordinated by the Center for Scientific and Research Cooperation: Poland-Ukraine, existing at the Faculty of Management of the University of Lodz and at the Lugansk National University. T. Shevchenko in Ukraine. NAWA's international project on scientific mobility between Poland and Ukraine for 2020/2021 has helped in the implementation of comprehensive research. The monograph contains only a part of the research results in the form of popular science articles. The remaining part was presented at the 3rd International Conference on Scientific and Research Conference in the area of Management, Economics, Marketing and Sociology in the perspective of multiculturalism on April 27, 2021 and at the 6th International Scientific Seminar Contemporary trends in international business security on June 1, 2021 in Kiev.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8220-814-6
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-8142-855-2
- Page Count: 166
- Publication Year: 2022
- Language: English, Polish, Ukrainian
- Author(s):Beata Glinkowska-Krauze, Vjacheslav Chebotarʹov
- Language:Polish, Ukrainian
- Subject(s):Editorial
- Page Range:7-10
- No. of Pages:4
Uwarunkowania współczesnej przedsiębiorczości
Uwarunkowania współczesnej przedsiębiorczości
(Determinants of contemporary entrepreneurship)
- Author(s):Robert Majkut
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Economy, Migration Studies
- Page Range:11-22
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:entrepreneurship; relative deprivation; existential mechanism; immigrant entrepreneur
- Summary/Abstract:The article discusses theoretically and empirically relative deprivation and the existential mechanism as factors of entrepreneurship. Motivation to engage in entrepreneurial activity based on relative deprivation is the result of a discrepancy between the level of aspirations and the degree of their actual realisation. In such a situation there is a desire to act in order to achieve a higher standard of living. The existential mechanism, on the other hand, indicates that engaging in self-employment is a consequence of not being able to obtain the money necessary for satisfying needs in any other way. Both of these mechanisms can explain the reasons for engaging in self-employment for any individual, but they are largely suited to the analysis of immigrant entrepreneurship.
System-oriented (collective) career versus self-oriented career
System-oriented (collective) career versus self-oriented career
(System-oriented (collective) career versus self-oriented career)
- Author(s):Jolanta Bieńkowska
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Labor relations, Human Resources in Economy
- Page Range:23-32
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:career;social system;collectivism; liberalism; self-actualization
- Summary/Abstract:Nowadays, it is almost an axiom that career development is determined by satisfying the need for self-fulfilment. However, this need is not biological but social and cultural. Thus, the determinants of choosing a career type result (among others) from the relationship between an individual and a social group, hence we can distinguish extreme models of career - collective-oriented versus individual-oriented. The career types proposed in this study were characterized using Parsons' base variables, which were applied to describe the differences between the collective and liberal systems and between the two types of career mentioned above.The article aims to present arguments to illustrate how the need and the ability to free oneself from social anxiety through gaining recognition determines professional behaviour. The starting point for its formulation was the assumption that a commonly felt social anxiety causes a need to gain recognition of the collective. The individual's need to free themselves from social anxiety and the ability to do so leads to a self-centred career model that is increasingly common in the age of information civilization.The article analyzes the socio-cultural factors determining collectivist and individualistic orientation and their psychological and social consequences.
Euroregion as the highest organizational and functional level of cross-border cooperation
Euroregion as the highest organizational and functional level of cross-border cooperation
(Euroregion as the highest organizational and functional level of cross-border cooperation)
- Author(s):Victor Tsekhanovych
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, International relations/trade, Globalization
- Page Range:33-43
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:cross-border cooperation; development;euroregion
- Summary/Abstract:In modern conditions of expanding the processes of globalization the role of globalization is growing cross-border cooperation of regions, which opens up new opportunities for activation of economic activity in the peripheral territories and increase of economic activity in the peripheral territories their competitiveness. At the end of the last century, the regional the policy of the European Union has moved to a new paradigm-from application of mechanisms to eliminate regional development imbalances through interregional redistribution of resources to mobilization of course-resource potential of territories and application of the principle of subsidiarity. This one the approach was used by the contiguous border regions of Europe, which we have established mutual contacts between state and regional authorities, local self-government bodies, public organizations, and subjects management of territories, joining forces to solve common problems, and from cooperation under certain cross-border agreements we have moved on to cooperation within the framework of euroregions. Thus, the characteristic a feature of modern Europe is the rapid development of international cooperation regions – one of the most effective driving forces of European integration and bringing people together.Cross-border cooperation should be implemented in the context of territorial organization and effective deployment of productive forces. According to European experience, the CBC helps to overcome the territorial imbalance (spatial gaps between production and consumption) of the region’s economy, which is a significant factor, since there are significant developmental imbalances between the border administrative-territorial units of Ukraine and neighboring states. The implementation of this task in practice is carried out by complementarity, improvement and optimization of the territorial structure of the economy, functional combination and coordination of economies, industries and individual industries of border regions of neighboring states involved in cross-border cooperation.Along with this, it is fundamental to maintain a balance (optimal proportions) in the development of all spheres of life of territories on different sides of the border.
Theoretical and methodological approach to the study of the process of change in the European Accommodation Industry
Theoretical and methodological approach to the study of the process of change in the European Accommodation Industry
(Theoretical and methodological approach to the study of the process of change in the European Accommodation Industry)
- Author(s):Mykola Rohoza, Valentyna Stolyarchuk
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Tourism
- Page Range:45-60
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:European Accommodation Industry; development in time of crisis; types of accommodation activities; tourist nights spent and capacity of accommodation establishments
- Summary/Abstract:This paper provides insight into current trends of the European Accommodation Industry development through gaining an understanding of processes in the previous period. Based on the result of data analysis of Eurostat online database, it is found out that the accommodation demand in the European Union was unstable during the last decade. The study result shows a trend of the European Accommodation Industry to decrease in the percentage change of nights spent at accommodation establishments by international visitors which has arisen before the impact of COVID-19. Domestic tourism has grown more steadily in the past few years, but it compensates for the current decrease in the international demand only partially. This study confirms that the change in the capacity of the European Accommodation Industry reflects the change in the accommodation demand. This paper results can be used to understand an establishment’s position, identify the threats and opportunities in time of crisis, and to focus its resources on developing unique capabilities that could lead not only to restart activity but to competitive advantage and profitability. To facilitate its realisation by managers, the Process Landscape Model of the core processes and sub-processes of the European Accommodation Industry development has been elaborated.
Internet rzeczy, marketing cyfrowy, zarządzanie danymi, bezpieczeństwo, integracja systemów
Internet rzeczy, marketing cyfrowy, zarządzanie danymi, bezpieczeństwo, integracja systemów
(Internet of Things, digital marketing, data management, security, system integration)
- Author(s):Arkadiusz Tybura
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Marketing / Advertising, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:61-69
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Internet of Things; Business; Marketing; Challenge
- Summary/Abstract:The development of the Internet of Things (IoT), machines functioning independently in the network, seems unstoppable. Its enormous potential and dynamics are confirmed by numerous studies and reports indicating the intensive growth of both investment outlays and the value of the global IoT market. In addition, the involvement of big players such as Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Apple and Samsung proves that changes in the reality that surrounds us are becoming an irreversible trend. The entire economy is changing under the influence of the development of this technology. In fact, enterprises are the main beneficiaries of the progressing cybernetization, which allows, among other things, to: increase efficiency, improve quality, shorten delivery times, reduce production and service costs, or improve the use of information in the decision-making process. However, introducing innovative solutions always carries the risk of failure. The aim of the article was an attempt to identify the challenges related to the implementation of the Internet of Things in the sphere of business and marketing, which may constitute an obstacle in reaping the benefits offered by new technologies.
Режим міжнародно- публічно- приватного партнерства для активізації взаємодіі України та Польщі у науково-технічній та інноваційній сферах
Режим міжнародно- публічно- приватного партнерства для активізації взаємодіі України та Польщі у науково-технічній та інноваційній сферах
(Regime of international public-private partnership to intensify cooperation between Ukraine and Poland in science, technology and innovation spheres)
- Author(s):Vjacheslav Ljashenko, Irina Petrova
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, International relations/trade
- Page Range:71-81
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:innovation sphere; scientific and technical sphere; European Union; Poland; Ukraine; public-private partnership
- Summary/Abstract:The European experience of PPP in scientific, technical and innovative spheres is analyzed. It is determined that the role of the state is to promote the development of fundamental knowledge and complex technologies of strategic nature, creating infrastructure and a favorable climate for innovation, and business - in creating technologies based on their own research and market development of innovations. It is proposed to introduce a regime of international public-private partnership to intensify cooperation between Ukraine and Poland in the scientific, technical and innovation spheres. The components of the regime of international public-private partnership are considered. It is determined that the regime of international public-private partnership will allow to establish participation between international financial institutions, public authorities, higher education institutions / research institutions and business in joint financing of projects in scientific, technical and innovative activities of Ukraine and Poland.
Rozważania na temat internacjonalizacji ukraińskich przedsiębiorstw w kontekście ich innowacyjności
Rozważania na temat internacjonalizacji ukraińskich przedsiębiorstw w kontekście ich innowacyjności
(Considerations on the internationalization of Ukrainian enterprises in the context of their innovation)
- Author(s):Beata Glinkowska-Krauze, Viacheslav Chebotarov, Iegor Chebotarov
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:83-92
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Internationalization; innovation; enterprise;Ukraine
- Summary/Abstract:The level of internationalization and innovation of Ukrainian enterprises is relatively low - as is the level of innovation in the Ukrainian economy. There is no relevant internationalization and innovation policy in this country. There are also no systemic changes in the field of support for entrepreneurs and protection of intellectual property, therefore in the near future it is rather impossible to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage based on innovations. There is a need for a coherent and transparent state policy to support both processes: internationalization of enterprises and their innovations.
Економічнe підгрунтя деолігархізації в Україні
Економічнe підгрунтя деолігархізації в Україні
(Common security trends in international business)
- Author(s):Andrіj Kolosov
- Language:Ukrainian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Environmental and Energy policy
- Page Range:93-102
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:oligarchy;economy; monopoly; privatization; deoligarchization
- Summary/Abstract:In Ukraine, which remains in last place in Europe in terms of gross domestic product (GDP), controversy unfolded on overcoming the oligarchy as the most important systemic problem of economic relations in the country. It is because of the monopoly of oligarchic structures in the energy sector in Ukraine that it is not possible to complete the reform of the energy market, when the interests of monopoly companies are dominated by public interests, destroying the established foundations for the introduction of market relations. Unlike the oligarchy in Poland, in which rich Poles either made their own fortune or got a family business, Ukrainian oligarchs were formed as a result of the inept privatization of property of state-owned enterprises in the most important sectors of the economy, in particular in the energy sector. The most threatening is the huge influence of the oligarchic companies in Ukraine on the adoption of state decisions, as well as the constant desire to use the possibilities of the state budget of the country in their favor.The oligarchic structure of the Ukrainian economy arose as a result of the shortcomings of the privatization being carried out in the country, the actual result of which was the deprivation of state ownership of the property of enterprises in favor of non-state capital. The government left without control the further purchase of privatized enterprises and their shares, creating the basis for the formation of an oligarchic economy, which was facilitated by a fairly high monopolization of the main sectors of the Ukrainian economy during his stay in the Soviet Union. Such initial conditions simplified the creation of oligarchic corporations as monopolists in certain sectors of the economy, and the assistance of state bodies in this process paved the way for the easy formation of vertical industrial complexes owned by oligarchs. In the ongoing controversy regarding the formulation of legislation on deoligarchization of the country, it should be taken into account that, in addition to overcoming the influence of the oligarchy on media and politics, it is necessary to seriously reform the ownership structure in the most important sectors of the economy in order to overcome monopoly in them and create equal conditions for competition between economic entities of various forms of ownership.
Допомога міжнародних благодійних організацій у відновленні Донбасу як складова інтеграції України до Європейського Союзу
Допомога міжнародних благодійних організацій у відновленні Донбасу як складова інтеграції України до Європейського Союзу
(Assistance of international charitable organizations in the reconstruction of Donbass as a component of Ukraine's integration into the European Union)
- Author(s):Oleksіj Kalіnіn, Mihajlo Reshetov, Vjacheslav Chebotarʹov
- Language:Ukrainian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, International relations/trade, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:103-113
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:small and medium business; Donbass;Ukraine;charity
- Summary/Abstract:The proposed article in the context of Ukraine's European integration orientation provides an overview of the place and role of small and medium enterprises in the agro-food complex, efforts to restore and develop it as a means of overcoming the military conflict in Donbass and participation of state bodies and international charities. Using the method of PEST-analysis, the external environment of SMEs in the agro-food sector of Luhansk and Donetsk regions was analyzed. The prospects and importance of establishing and developing cooperation with international charitable organizations are emphasized. The need for new approaches to solving existing problems and active and balanced regulatory policy of the state on the development of SMEs emphasized considering the sectoral and regional characteristics of this sector of the economy, which will raise the role of SMEs in economic life.
Portret współczesnego migranta zarobkowego z Ukrainy w Polsce
Portret współczesnego migranta zarobkowego z Ukrainy w Polsce
(A portrait of a contemporary economic migrant from Ukraine in Poland)
- Author(s):Daria Pierkova
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Labor relations, Migration Studies
- Page Range:115-126
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:labor migration;workers from Ukraine; work in Poland
- Summary/Abstract:The goal of the article is to characterize economic migrants from Ukraine working in Poland and the problems they encounter during their stay. The introduction of the article is characterized in the introduction. Then, the methodological aspects of own research and the obtained results were discussed. The final fragment presents the conclusions of the research - a portrait of a labor migrant from Ukraine working in Poland. The research was conducted among 305 employees from Ukraine aged 18-65 who have experience of working in Poland. Ukrainian labor migrants have become an inseparable element of the Polish labor market. By getting to know them, we can create better conditions for their stay and employment in Poland.
Особливості формування та реалізації стратегічних пріоритетів забезпечення безпеки та розвитку України та Республіки Польща
Особливості формування та реалізації стратегічних пріоритетів забезпечення безпеки та розвитку України та Республіки Польща
(Features of formation and implementation of strategic priorities for security and development of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland)
- Author(s):Olga Novikova, Oksana Panʹkova
- Language:Ukrainian
- Subject(s):Security and defense
- Page Range:127-136
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:security; development; national security strategies; state regulation; social security
- Summary/Abstract:Specific features of shaping and modification of national security models of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland are determined, the content of the legal framework that defines the security and development strategies of these countries is revealed. The expediency of developing a new essence and structure of strategic documents that ensure social development and guarantees of security of man, society and state is substantiated. The aspiration and priority of the states' policy on their integration into the European Security Environment and NATO has been determined.
Innovative Development of Belarus
Innovative Development of Belarus
(Innovative Development of Belarus)
- Author(s):Olena HRECHYSHKINA, Maryia Samakhavets
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):National Economy, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:137-147
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:innovations;GII; R&D organisations; innovative development; Belarus
- Summary/Abstract:This paper is intended to investigate the current status and prospects of the innovative development of Belarus. The estimation of the innovative environment is based on Belarusian official statistical indicators and State program documents. Scientific research methods, the analytical method, comparative analysis are used in the study and treatment of the material. The analysis reveals a relatively low innovative activity of organisations in Belarus. The results indicate the need to further improve the environment for the development of innovations in Belarus.
Szanse oraz bariery rozwoju bankowości islamskiej w gospodarce globalnej
Szanse oraz bariery rozwoju bankowości islamskiej w gospodarce globalnej
(Opportunities and barriers to the development of Islamic banking in the global economy)
- Author(s):Patrycja Melon
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):National Economy, Islam studies
- Page Range:149-161
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Islamic banking;Sharia; gharar; riba; mudaraba
- Summary/Abstract:Islam is one of the largest religion in the world, from which the genesis of Islamic banking derives. The main set of the rules and norms that define all aspects of Muslim life is Sharia. Islamic financial institutions operate according to the principles of Shariah.The purpose of this article is to characterize Islamic banking: foundations, financing methods and to define opportunities and threats associated with the development of Islamic banking in the global economy.Islamic banking is based on certain principles. The most important principle is the prohibition of riba, meaning the inability to collect interest on loans. Business entities are also not allowed to engage in speculative operations and anti-social investments. The article presents the main instruments of Islamic banking: mudaraba, musharaka and murabaha.Interest in Islamic banking has increased over the decade. However, it is still a small sector in the global economy.
- Author(s):Beata Glinkowska-Krauze, Vjacheslav Chebotarʹov
- Language:Polish, Ukrainian
- Subject(s):Editorial
- Page Range:163-165
- No. of Pages:3