Sarmackie theatrum. T. 6: Między tekstami
Sarmackie theatrum. T. 6: Między tekstami
Contributor(s): Mariola Jarczykowa (Editor), Anna Sitkowa (Editor)
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Keywords: intertekstualność; mitologia; recepcja;tradycja literacka;
Summary/Abstract: Na kolejny, szósty tom studiów pt. <i>Sarmackie theatrum. Między tekstami</i> składa się czternaście artykułów napisanych przez autorów reprezentujących różne ośrodki uniwersyteckie w Polsce. Większość rozpraw poświęconych zostało literaturze staropolskiej, pozostałe zjawiskom literackim z okresu oświecenia, romantyzmu i pozytywizmu. Różnorodność problematyki oraz postaw badawczych winny zapewnić książce zainteresowanie ze strony historyków literatury, neolatynistów oraz wszystkich czytelników, którym bliska jest problematyka intertekstulaności, plagiatu i szeroko rozumianej recepcji.Problematyka adresowana jest do historyków literatury staropolskiej, badaczy oświecenia, romantyzmu i pozytywizmu, neolatynistów oraz do czytelników, którym bliska jest problematyka intertekstualności i dawnej kultury literackiej.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8012-565-0
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-226-2094-6
- Page Count: 236
- Publication Year: 2012
- Language: Polish
Indeks osobowy
Indeks osobowy
- Author(s):Not Specified Author
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History
- Page Range:225-235
- No. of Pages:11
Topika mitologiczna w poezji dawnej
Topika mitologiczna w poezji dawnej
(Mythological topics in old poetry)
- Author(s):Marzena Walińska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:7-28
- No. of Pages:22
- Summary/Abstract:The article is an attempt to place ancient mythology within the Old‑Polish topics, and defineits place and role in poetic realizations of loci communes. An overview of the state of research is totake a stand on various propositions of understanding the term “topos” and use it in the analysis ofmythologisms in old poetry, an emphasis being put on the topics of Apollo (among others works byJ. Brzozowski, J. Abramowska, J. Kotarska). An analytic par t of the work is devoted to an considera‑tion of various topoi of a mythological origin in the Baroque poetry, their variantability and ways ofutilizing in poetic texts. Among others such topoi as “weeping like Niobe”, “to be Orpheus’s egual”,“to repeat Orpheus’ gesture”, Charon transporting souls, and “cutting off the threads of life” arediscussed.The aim of the paper is to verify and prove the legitimacy of distinguishing mythological topicsand defining rules of its functioning in the 16th and 17th century literature.
- Price: 4.50 €
Problem odbiorcy i czytelnika. Wokół problemu fikcjonalizacji w korpusie „literatury mieszczańskiej” Karola Badeckiego
Problem odbiorcy i czytelnika. Wokół problemu fikcjonalizacji w korpusie „literatury mieszczańskiej” Karola Badeckiego
(The problem of receiver and reader. On the problem of the fictionalization in the corpus of the “bourgeois literature” by Karol Badecki)
- Author(s):Witold Wojtowicz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:29-45
- No. of Pages:17
- Summary/Abstract:The paper “The problem of a receiver and reader. On the problem fictionalization in the corpusof the ‘bourgeois literature’ by Karol Badecki” is an attempt to capture a way of work receptionpostulated or intended by the authors of the “bourgeois literature” and what we can say about theactual perception on the part of the audience. Also, an attempt has been made to show the conditionsconnected with a different role of a reader one can name a “fictionalization” of reception (W. Ong).An intended receiver becomes the subject of the author’s efforts as a reader, not as a listener. Onecan point to the otherness of this role, visible in a series of author’s efforts, in other words, the roleof a reader (the fictional character of performative signals is emphasized). The message undergoesits adaptation connected with the performance of particular actions or underlined by even a gesture.The mechanism of the fictionalization leads to the creation of the fabricated orality and performa‑tiveness.The emphasis is put on the problem of the performative nature of the text. The centre of interestconstitutes the influence of the text on an audience through reception or co‑participation, includedin the techniques of a performative act. Performativeness as a tool of researching the text does notmean exclusively discovering the ord residues and performative techniques typical of the oral cul‑ture mainly because the very traces were literalised and consciously included by an author as con‑ventions, they already constitute a textual strategy. It seems that for the majority of texts in questionan oral model of communication is still binding and thus, a repeated “imitation” of performativeand theatrical elements which have already become a convention. The authors share and partake inthe codes of the high literature. “Popular literature” is not an autonomous and relatively retardedproduct. What matters is a recognition of a conscious usage of the convention of fiction, constantlyavoided in favour of the social conditions of writers— authors of the “bourgeois literature”. Unrec‑ognising the mechanisms of the fictionalization was in a sense a foundation stone of older studies onthe “bourgeois literature” with its orientation on the exploration of social contexts.
- Price: 4.50 €
Marcin Paszkowski i jego książki — czytane oraz publikowane
Marcin Paszkowski i jego książki — czytane oraz publikowane
(Marcin Paszkowski and his books — read and published)
- Author(s):Michał Kuran
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:46 - 61
- No. of Pages:16
- Summary/Abstract:The poet’s imitating action situates in the circle of aemulatio and are overt or covert in nature.The reasons for source (un)coverage are worth attention. When emulating, Paszkowski made use ofthe means covering imitation: appositio, detractio, transpositio, immutatio, copia, brevitas.References, allusions, reconstructions and overtaking of a foreign text prove an outstandingknowledge of his time, as well as works published in the 16th century. He also used the Bible andmythology. But he did not refer to historical sources, including the achievements of the ancient writ‑ers. He knew the history thanks to the chronicles. Most willingly he would refer to the poetry, diaryprose, but also calendars and news preferring the official and highbrow literature in the end.Paszkowski revealed a compiliation nature when it brought about erudition. He hid borrowingswhen it came to one or two texts. He indicated the source of monoimitation when he competed withthe model. Entering into a dialogue with a well‑known poet (Jan Kochanowski), he left the recogni‑tion of the references to the author’s intelligence. Works by Sebastian Fabian Klonowic, AbrahamRożniatowski and Stanisław Grochowski were, on the other hand, treated as a foundation for hisown voice, however changing the situational context of derived text sequences. He totally hid thereferences to Maciej Stryjkowski.
- Price: 4.50 €
Różnowiercze treny. O literackich i kulturowych wzorcach w żałobnym cyklu Lenarta Gnoińskiego z 1614 roku
Różnowiercze treny. O literackich i kulturowych wzorcach w żałobnym cyklu Lenarta Gnoińskiego z 1614 roku
(Threnodies of different creeds. On literary and cultural models in a cycle of elegies by Lenart Gnoiński from 1614)
- Author(s):Aleksandra Oszczęda
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:62-76
- No. of Pages:15
- Summary/Abstract:The subject of the article is the cycle of twelve lamentations written by an Arian poet andmaintained in a unique collection. In its style and layout (a series of lamentations finished witha gravestone), it refers to a model from Czarnolas, and when it comes to its content, it constitutesa polemics with Kochanowski’s attitude. Gnoiński does not share doubt expressed by the author ofTreny and does not go a long way looking for consolation after his wife’s death. His cycle, reflect‑ing the stages of mourning, closes with a declaration of an unshakeable belief in postmortal salva‑tion, and in his polemics with the Renaissance poet he refers to the Bible, congregation and ancientwriters. Quotations from the Holy Bible form a frame of a dialogue and basis of consolation. Theworldview is dictated by the collection of elegies by Tobiasz Wiszniowski while Ovidius’s Tr is t iareferred to several times determine the nature of emotions close to the author of Łzy smutne… Thetext also contains the phenomena from the area of the low culture: a popular song, rituals accompa‑nying the sites of transition or faith in a prophetic meaning of words. The article includes biographicand bibliographic findings.
- Price: 4.50 €
Harmonie, upominki i zacne akty Siedemnastowieczne epitalamia lubelskie
Harmonie, upominki i zacne akty Siedemnastowieczne epitalamia lubelskie
(Harmonics, souvenirs and good acts The 17th-century epithalamia from Lublin)
- Author(s):Anna Nowicka-Struska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:77-95
- No. of Pages:19
- Summary/Abstract:The subject of interest in the very text constitutes three epithalamia from Lublin: Symphonianuptialis ex harmonia anni…, by Wojciech Ciechanowicz, Harmonia upominków siedmiu Lublin1636 by Jan Jurgiewicz, Na zacny i chwalebny akt weselny szlachetnie urodzonego P. Jakuba Zagórnegotakże szlachetnej Panny Zyzanny Konopniczanki… Lublin 1634 by Jan Wacław Gorecki,Na gody małżeńskie zacnie sławetnego Jegomościa P. Jakuba Wentona, rajcy zamojskiego z zacniesławetną Jej Mością Panią Katarzyną Zrubską, rajczynią lubelską, a wedding poem, Lublin1681. The very works derive from a magnate (Symphonia nuptialis — Harmonia upominków), bourgeois— noble (Na chwalebny i zacny akt weselny) and a bourgeois wedding (Na gody małżeńskieJakuba Wentona). The epithalamia in question are characterised by formal diversity. The text byCiechanowicz, devoted to the audience aesthetically advanced, was written with the idea of a stageor quasi-theatrical performance during a magnate wedding. It is rich in hermetic and esoteric contents.The other two epithalamia were to constitute a wedding memoir from bourgeois and noblebourgeoiscelebrations and an attempt to introduce genres belonging to a noble culture into theground of a bourgeois culture. They show, especially the work by Jurgiewicz, strong influences ofthe poetics from Czarnolas. The epithalamia in question present a diversified literary level. Theyreflect the Old‑Polishtradition and are inscribed into the wedding customs. They constitute a documentof a literary culture of times and social states they are a part of, clearly proving the presenceof the humanistic topics in texts devoted to the representatives of lower states: minor nobility andbourgeoisie. Also, the very works constitute an example of an all-Poland process of the applicationof the humanistic topics into the texts devoted to minor nobility and bourgeoisie. A high humanisticculture has become here a reservoir of threads and motives for the literature of a popular and occasionalcirculation. Although all of the three works refer to splendour of the “Stemptemtryjon fromLublin” are also, in view of a gradual deterioration of the level of literary performances, the evidenceof a slow collapse of the town.
- Price: 4.50 €
Justa parentalia* jako przykład zawodowej twórczości panegirycznej Stanisława Józefa Bieżanowskiego
Justa parentalia* jako przykład zawodowej twórczości panegirycznej Stanisława Józefa Bieżanowskiego
(Justa parentalia as an example of vocational panegyric output of Stanisław Józef Bieżanowski)
- Author(s):Aleksandra Golik-Prus
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:96-107
- No. of Pages:12
- Summary/Abstract:One of the omitted aspects of occasional writing of the second half of the 17th century is the onethat should be considered vocational. It clearly exemplifies a literary output of Józef Bieżanowski,a professor of Kraków Academy. All his life, apart from didactics, concentrated on honouring allkinds of events connected with a public and private life of the representatives of various socialstrata. The subject of interest is a Latin text from 1681, entitled Justa parentalia, devoted to MichałKazimierz Radziwiłł, who died in Bologna in 1680. The work constitutes a part of an occasionalwriting, consisting of the title page, stemmata, dedication to John III and a rhymed description ofRadziwiłł’s diplomatic mission to Rome. Bieżanowski’s work of a commemorative‑laudativenatureillustrates a final shape of evolution, included in the title of the notion of parentalia and its functioningin the reality of the 17th century Republic of Poland. In line with the elements of a publishingliterary frame of an occasional text, it perfectly illustrates one of the ways of honouring a funeral ofa person representing aristocratic layers of the society, and allows for discerning the author’s talentin an original perspective of the topic covered by other authors many a time so far.
- Price: 4.50 €
Dwie „rzeczy przy pogrzebie” Glosa do recepcji prozy Jana Kochanowskiego
Dwie „rzeczy przy pogrzebie” Glosa do recepcji prozy Jana Kochanowskiego
(A double Prz y pogrzebie rzecz A gloss for the reception of Jan Kochanowski’s prose)
- Author(s):Maria Barłowska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:108-122
- No. of Pages:15
- Summary/Abstract:The author presents two pieces of evidence for the presence of Jan Kochanowski’s mournfulspeech received at the funeral of his brother Kacper, published in Fragments as Przy pogrzebie rzeczin an oratorical tradition: a record of the speeches found in manuscripts of the National Library ofPoland (BOZ 855 k. 111—111v.) and the Lithuanian State Historical Archive in Vilnius (fond 1135,opus 2/40, k. 119—120). In both cases the orations in question were noted down anonymously, onthe basis of a rhetoric pattern while the Vilnius text was subject to an inept amplification and mostprobably used at the time of a funeral ceremony. An additional argument in favour of the functioningof Kochanowski’s speech in the manuscript tradition of the Polish oratory is two funeral speechesmade by Wincenty Krukienicki, in which the quotations from Kochanowski’s exordium were used(the manuscript of the Ossoliński National Institute 647 I).
- Price: 4.50 €
Wokół lektury pieśni o Matce Bożej Kodeńskiej
Wokół lektury pieśni o Matce Bożej Kodeńskiej
(Reading the song of Our Lady of Kodeń)
- Author(s):Jolanta Sawicka‑Jurek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:123-132
- No. of Pages:10
- Summary/Abstract:The book Serdeczne do Boga Matki Jego… westchnienia… was sent to print by Albrycht Staw‑ski in 1724. It has a form of a prayer book. Among other texts, it consists of three songs and sixprayers written in prose connected with the cult of Our Lady of Kodeń. The aim of the research workon this very book was to analyse its publishing frames, historical circumstances and spirituality ofthe environment in which it was created. An interesting issue related to the song of Our Lady ofKodeń is also researching its links with the preacher’s literature of the Saxon times, and definingthe functions of stylistic devices characteristic of the Baroque poetry on the topic of Mary and roleof biblical references. One should also pay attention to the contribution of Jan Fryderyk Sapieha,a great Lithuanian chancellor to the popularization of the cult of the image of Our Lady from thesanctuary in Kodeń, which became an important pilgrimage place for the Catholic, Unite Church,and Orhodox ones. Thanks to his attempts, the coronation of this famous gracious painting (asthe third Marian painting in Polish territory at that time). He is also an author of books publishedunder a different name, containing a vivid story of the transportation (a theft by Mikołaj Sapiehato be more specific) of the painting of Gregorian Madonna di Guadalupe from Rome to Kodeń inthe 17th century. In the light of the historical facts, revealed in works by contemporary historians,the very story seems just a beautiful legend and great mystification. Still, however, it fascinates ina masterpiece way because of its historio‑religious colouring of the epoch, and a skillfully gradeddramatization of action.
- Price: 4.50 €
Homo beatus w kulturze — trzy wielkie księgi o drodze do szczęścia. Refleksy myśli biblijnej, senecjańskiej i arystotelejskiej w poezji polskiej XVIII wieku
Homo beatus w kulturze — trzy wielkie księgi o drodze do szczęścia. Refleksy myśli biblijnej, senecjańskiej i arystotelejskiej w poezji polskiej XVIII wieku
(Homo beatus in culture — three great books on the way to happiness. Reflexes of the biblical, Senecian and Aristotelian thought in the Polish poetry of the 18th century)
- Author(s):Ewa Gutmańska‑Gralak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:133-146
- No. of Pages:14
- Summary/Abstract:The mankind has been trying to answer the question on the possibility of reaching happinessin the earth for centuries. A kind of a loadstar for thinkers, philosophers, but also artists of variousfields of art was great books in which vita beata played a significant role.The subject of the article constitutes three books, ascribed to three cultural circles. That isAristotle’s The Nicomachean Ethics within the scope of the Greek culture, Seneca’s treatise De vitaBeata from the Roman thought, and — the Bible of the Hebrew origin. A common denominator ofthe interpretation of these books, and at the same time, a starting point for the analysis of their rolein the culture, is the motive of happiness as an eternal aim and desire of a human being.Among the issues raised in the paper we can also find reinterpretations of these books and thescope of their influence on works by Polish poets, especially in the 18th century, i.e. FranciszekKarpiński, Ignacy Krasicki, Adam Naruszewicz and Jakub Jasiński.
- Price: 4.50 €
Zachodnioeuropejskie piśmiennictwo demonologiczne w Diable w swojej postaci Jana Bohomolca
Zachodnioeuropejskie piśmiennictwo demonologiczne w Diable w swojej postaci Jana Bohomolca
(West‑European demonological writings in Diabeł w swojej postaci by Jan Bohomolec)
- Author(s):Danuta Kowalewska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:147-165
- No. of Pages:19
- Summary/Abstract:The article concerns a reception of the West‑Europeandemonological writings in the old Poland.The author concentrates on a two‑volumedissertation by a Jesuit Jan Bohomolec entitledDiabeł w swojej postaci (1772—1777). The analysis covers the links of the very dissertation withpopular works of the pre‑Romanticera (Malleus maleficarum, texts by Jean Bodin, Henri Boguet,Pierre de Lancre, Johann Wier and others). First, the work by Bohomolec is presented and next theattention is given to the episodes that were particularly popular among demonologists. Basically,the article concerns the demonologists’ opinions on such aspects as devil’s competences, sabbaths,witch flights, magic trials, faith in phantoms and warewolves. The author of the article managed toprove that the Enlightenment writer was knowledgeable about the demonological writing from theWest. She refers mainly to the examples derived from the 16th and 17th century publications, containingthe images of magic and sorcery embedded in common awareness. Diabeł w swej postaciproves that although the Jesuit refers critically to the sources used many a time, he is reliable whenreporting on even the most extreme opinions.
- Price: 4.50 €
Rola druków ulotnych w twórczości Franciszka Karpińskiego
Rola druków ulotnych w twórczości Franciszka Karpińskiego
(The role of occasional prints in works by Franciszek Karpiński)
- Author(s):Tomasz Chachulski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:166-173
- No. of Pages:8
- Summary/Abstract:An occasional print (volant) played an import ant role as a document of a political and sociallife, as well as was popular as a portable form of popularising the content that was to be relativelyquickly transmitted to the public for various reasons in the era of Stanisław August Poniatowski.Franciszek Karpińśki used this way of publication for his works dealing with an occasional (social,historical) subject‑matter, devoted to important figures of the elite at that time, as well as reflective‑‑philosophical, dedication and love poems. He debuted this way and he ran his literary dialogueswith his friends and other writers at the end of his life in the same way. To his most characteristicliterary behaviours belongs a repeated publication of an autobiographic elegy Powrót z Warszawyna wieś. It was a expression of poetic independence and poet’s individualism, and at the same timea manifesto poem. A technical form of print was used for his own purposes, convergent with hisliterary actions done at that time and later on.
- Price: 4.50 €
Okradane, prześladowane i zapomniane dzieła Antoniego Goreckiego
Okradane, prześladowane i zapomniane dzieła Antoniego Goreckiego
(Stolen, persecuted and forgotten works by Antoni Gorecki)
- Author(s):Jolanta Kowal
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:174-191
- No. of Pages:18
- Summary/Abstract:A person of and works by Antoni Gorecki (1787—1861) rarely remained within the scope ofinterest of the researchers of the Polish literature. However, it is the fact that he used to belong tothe select group of the most widely‑read and popular poets. He had written ten books of poemswhich, unfortunately, did not remain in the memory of the descendants. It was certainly because ofthe depreciative evaluation the books received by some of the historians of the Polish literature andthe fact that the very output, in majority, boils down to the frames of the occasional writing whichlost a lot of its up‑to‑dateness with time, and, thus, many readers considered it little interesting andeven incomprehensible.The author of the article hopes that the critical reedition of works by this poet from Vilnius willmake it possible to derive his writing from the darkness of forgetting. It is never theless extremely in‑teresting and constitutes an important area in the literary map of the first half of the 19th century.
- Price: 4.50 €
Postać Marka Jakimowskiego w literaturze wieku dziewiętnastego
Postać Marka Jakimowskiego w literaturze wieku dziewiętnastego
(A person of Marek Jakimowski in the 19th — century literature)
- Author(s):Renata Ryba
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:192-212
- No. of Pages:21
- Summary/Abstract:The text concerns a literary career of a person of Marek Jakimowski, a nobleman from Podole,who after the battle of Cecora (1620), was in the Turkish captivity and forced to work. He managedto free himself, attacking the Turkish ship with his co‑prisoners. His heroic action was popular‑ised in the form of the occasional print, first in the Italian language, and then in a Polish transla‑tion: Opisanie krótkie zdobycia galery za sprawą Marka Jakimowskiego (1628). Jakimowski’s fate,known exclusively from Opisanie krótkie…, became an inspiration for several 19th — century writ‑ers: Konstanty Majeranowski, Aleksander Groza and Hipolit Świejkowski. The very authors noticedthe attractiveness of the very topic from before two centuries to express the present problems con‑nected with a post‑partitional political situation of Poland, in line with literary conventions at thattime. Accordingly, Jakimowski, in Majeranowski’s work became a sentimental knight, in Groza’spoem a Romantic fighter for freedom while in a rhymed realization of an emigrant writer, i.e.Świejkowski, he personalizes the myth of an old chivalrous Poland.
- Price: 4.50 €
Wobec tradycji literackiej Stanisława Tarnowskiego relacja z Prus Królewskich
Wobec tradycji literackiej Stanisława Tarnowskiego relacja z Prus Królewskich
(In relation to a literary tradition Stanisław Tarnowski’s report from the Kingdom of Prussia)
- Author(s):Elżbieta Malinowska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:213-223
- No. of Pages:11
- Summary/Abstract:Stanisław Tarnowski went to Pomerania and Warmia for the first time in summer 1881. Theresult of this journey was memories, initially published in Przegląd Polski, and subsequently, in thebook entitled Z wakacji (Kraków 1888 r.). An important component of this syncretic text is variousforms of references to works from a literary tradition: allusions, quotations, paraphrases, interpreta‑tive comments, particular genre‑stylistic conventions, motives, scenes, and characters. The articlegives examples of the references to among others Flis by S.F. Klonowic, Podróże historyczne poziemiach polskich miedzy rokiem 1811 a 1818 odbytych by J.U. Niemcewicz, Pieśń o ziemi naszejby W. Pol, Konrad Wallenrod and Pan Tadeusz by A. Mickiewicz, Lilla Weneda by J. Słowacki,Przedświt by Z. Krasiński and Faust by J.W. Goethe. Undoubtfully, the literature Tarnowski tookadvantage of made it easier for him to enter into a dialogue with a reader, diversified the structureand strengthened its patriotic function. The report in question was the broadest and most specificpresentation of the history and contemporary situation of Poles living in the Kingdom of Prussia andfighting an unequal battle with Germanization in the 19th century.
- Price: 4.50 €