Bankowość komercyjna i spółdzielcza w Polsce – refleksje po trzech dekadach transformacji. Szkice ku pamięci doktora Ryszarda Mikołajczaka
Commercial and cooperative banking in Poland - reflections after three decades of transformation. In memory of Ryszard Mikołajczak
Contributor(s): Grzegorz Kotliński (Editor)
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Economy, Education, Supranational / Global Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics, Public Administration, Economic policy, Security and defense, Economic development, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, Financial Markets, Public Finances, Marketing / Advertising, ICT Information and Communications Technologies, Business Ethics
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Poznaniu
Keywords: usługi bankowe;bankowość spółdzielcza;transformacja gospodarcza;bezpieczeństwo finansowe;ryzyko bankowe;system finansowy;inflacja;polityka pieniężna;kryzys finansowy;COVID-19;zrównoważony rozwój;kredyty;finansyzacja;społeczna odpowiedzialność banków;
Summary/Abstract: Monografia zawiera dwanaście rozdziałów. Ich różnorodna tematyka wnosi nowe, istotne treści do dyskusji o wszechstronnie rozumianej i zmieniającej się roli banków we współczesnym systemie finansowym Polski oraz bliskich nam krajów UE. Autorzy są przekonani, że umieszczone w publikacji teksty zostaną przez Czytelników odebrane jako krytyczne i kreatywne refleksje nad trzydziestoleciem przemian nie tylko w polskiej bankowości komercyjnej i spółdzielczej, ale i w szerszym, globalnym czy europejskim kontekście. Wspólnym zamiarem twórców poszczególnych fragmentów książki było, aby służyła ona upamiętnieniu działalności naukowej i dydaktycznej śp. Doktora Ryszarda Mikołajczaka, zasłużonego pracownika Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Poznaniu, jednego z najwybitniejszych twórców poznańskiej szkoły finansów i bankowości.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8211-152-1
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-8211-151-4
- Page Count: 239
- Publication Year: 2022
- Language: Polish
- Author(s):Michał Jurek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Economy
- Page Range:13-18
- No. of Pages:6
Bezpieczeństwo banków – od transformacji do COVID-19
Bezpieczeństwo banków – od transformacji do COVID-19
(Bank safety – from transformation to COVID-19)
- Author(s):Małgorzata Zaleska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Politics, Economy, National Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics, Economic policy, Security and defense, Economic development, Financial Markets
- Page Range:19-35
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:bezpieczeństwo bankowe;bank centralny;nadzór finansowy;restrukturyzacja banków;niewypłacalność banków;transformacja banków;
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of this article is to identify the most significant, selected changes in the activity of the Polish financial safety net institutions, which occurred during the first three decades of the system transformation. The paper also attempts to evaluate these changes. Moreover, it analyses the structure and the situation of the Polish banking sector as well as its safety from the start of system transformation till the end of 2020. Thus, our analysis also refers to the short term impact of COVID-19 on the Polish banking sector. An attempt to identify the most important challenges posed by the safety of the sector in the future has also been made.
Finansyzacja w Polsce w latach 2010–2020 – skala i problemy
Finansyzacja w Polsce w latach 2010–2020 – skala i problemy
(Financialization in Poland in 2010–2020 – the scale and problems)
- Author(s):Paweł Marszałek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Economy, National Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Micro-Economics, Economic policy, Economic development, Financial Markets
- Page Range:36-54
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:finansyzacja;system finansowy;kryzys finansowy;
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the chapter is an attempt to assess the scale of financialisation in the Polish economy in 2010–2012. The starting point for the considerations is the synthetic characteristics of financialization – its definition, features and factors determining the phenomenon. Next, the consequences of financialization are discussed, and then – with the help of the most frequently used measures of this phenomenon – the scale of financialization in Poland is presented.
Z doświadczeń strategii bezpośredniego celu inflacyjnego w Polsce – realizacja i próba oceny
Z doświadczeń strategii bezpośredniego celu inflacyjnego w Polsce – realizacja i próba oceny
(From the experiences of the strategy of the inflation target in Poland – implementation and assessment attempt)
- Author(s):Filip Kliber
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Economy, National Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Economic policy, Security and defense, Financial Markets
- Page Range:55-72
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:polityka pieniężna;cel inflacyjny;strategia bezpośredniego celu inflacyjnego;
- Summary/Abstract:Since 1999 Direct Inflation Targeting had been the foundation of Polish central bank monetary policy. The implementation of this strategy took place in changing economic and institutional conditions. It was also accompanied by profound changes in the monetary policy itself. The main aim of this paper is to present the premises and conditions for the implementation of the Inflation Targeting strategy, with particular emphasis on the structure and assumptions adopted in Poland. The implementation of the Inflation Targeting strategy in Poland in individual years was also characterized as well as the factors - positive and negative - influencing its effectiveness. A literature review on the effectiveness of the implementation of the Inflation Targeting strategy in Poland was also carried out and an original attempt was made to synthetically evaluate the inflation target implemented by the NBP.
Systemy gwarancji depozytów osób fizycznych w państwach Grupy Wyszehradzkiej
Systemy gwarancji depozytów osób fizycznych w państwach Grupy Wyszehradzkiej
(Deposit insurance scheme for individuals in the Visegrad Group states)
- Author(s):Dawid Banaś
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Economy, National Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Economic policy, Security and defense, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, Financial Markets
- Page Range:73-86
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:system gwarancji depozytów;stabilność finansowa;sieć bezpieczeństwa bankowego;Czechy;Polska;Słowacja;Węgry;
- Summary/Abstract:The deposit guarantee systems that are part of the financial safety net are important elements contributing to the stability of the banking sector. Their existence gives depositors a sense of security, which translates into a higher savings rate in a country. The shape of deposit guarantee systems is adjusted to the banking sector operating in a country, which results in observable differences in individual institutions of this type. This can be noticed, for example,in the Visegrad Group countries, although it was more visible in the period before they joined the European Union, as implementing aspects related to the European Deposit Insurance Systemis currently underway. Although the applicable international regulations (mainly EU directives) affect the shape of the functioning deposit guarantee systems, there are still differences between them, for example in the method of determining premiums (they consider the risk taken or not, depending on the country). The author chose this group of countries from the Visegrad Group, as they were the first countries from the Eastern bloc to transform the banking sector. A comparative analysis of solutions that were decided in the countries of the Visegrad Group is the aim of the study. The work presents the applicable legal solutions and analyzes indicators e.g., the coverage ratio.
Społeczna odpowiedzialność banków w Polsce w dobie pandemii COVID-19
Społeczna odpowiedzialność banków w Polsce w dobie pandemii COVID-19
(Corporate Social Responsibility of banks in Poland during the CO VID-19 pandemic)
- Author(s):Krzysztof Waliszewski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Economy, National Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Economic policy, Security and defense, Sociology of the arts, business, education, Economic development, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, Financial Markets, Marketing / Advertising, Business Ethics
- Page Range:87-102
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:banki;społeczna odpowiedzialność banków;COVID-19;kryzys pandemiczny;
- Summary/Abstract:The actions of socially responsible banks were implemented on a large scale before the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic and concerned such areas as environmental and climate protection, financial education, health protection, employee volunteering, patronage of culture and arts, and supporting non-governmental organizations. However, after the outbreak of the pandemic, these actions have focused in particular on the priorities and challenges of the pandemic time. The aim of the chapter is to analyze social projects implemented by banks in Poland in 2020, i.e. the year of the outbreak of the pandemic. The chapter presents the idea of corporate social responsibility on the basis of banks from the theoretical point of view. Then, in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic and the 2020+ coronavirus crisis, the focus was on describing the impact of this crisis on the situation in the banking sector in Poland, which was the background to present social activities of the largest banks in Poland related to mitigating the effects of the pandemic for various groups of stakeholders. From the presented analysis of social activities, it can be concluded that they were multidirectional and concerned bank customers, including seniors, bank employees in the field of remote work support, health and their families, remote education, scholarship programs, IT education and cybersecurity, as well as those affected by the crisis health service.
Bankowość społecznie odpowiedzialna – koncepcja, zasady i model działania
Bankowość społecznie odpowiedzialna – koncepcja, zasady i model działania
(Socially responsible banking - concept, principles and operating model)
- Author(s):Paweł Mikołajczak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics, Economic policy, Financial Markets, Marketing / Advertising, Business Ethics
- Page Range:103-114
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:społeczna odpowiedzialność banków;zrównoważony rozwój;
- Summary/Abstract:The financial crisis following the collapse of Lehman Brothers has made market participants aware of the need for profound changes in the security of financial markets. Researchers have also paid more attention to social banking, which aims at sustainable development, mitigating negative climate phenomena, developing social innovation, reducing social exclusion, eliminating hunger and poverty. The purpose of the study is to identify the assumptions and operating model of social banks. Socially responsible banks use finance to achieve a beneficial social effect. Unlike conventional banks, they embed the above goals in their culture and strategy of long-term, self-sustaining, transparent, inclusive, resilient to external disruptions operations based on long-term relationships with customers. Community banks provide money to customers who are active in the real economy and can provide triple positive benefits to society - social, environmental and economic (triple bottom line).
Nowoczesne rozwiązania finansowe wspomagające proces zarządzania finansami osobistymi
Nowoczesne rozwiązania finansowe wspomagające proces zarządzania finansami osobistymi
(Modern financial solutions to support the process of managing personal finances)
- Author(s):Anna Warchlewska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Economy, Education, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics, Financial Markets, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:115-128
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:finanse osobiste;edukacja finansowa;zarządzanie finansami osobistymi;cyfryzacja;
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of the article is to determine whether and how the development of modern financial technologies determines consumers’ financial behavior. The paper seeks to answer the question of whether financial knowledge determines consumer attitudes toward modern financial tools. The article consists of three main parts. The first part presents the characteristics of modern financial solutions - mainly in the retail services segment. The second part presents the essence of financial education in the process of using modern technologies. The results of secondary research on the impact of financial education on consumer financial behavior and the results of own research on PFM (Personal Financial Management) applications are presented.
Informacje jakościowe w identyfikowaniu i pomiarze ryzyka kredytowego korporacji
Informacje jakościowe w identyfikowaniu i pomiarze ryzyka kredytowego korporacji
(Quality information in identifying and measuring corporate credit risk)
- Author(s):Maciej S. Wiatr
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics, Financial Markets, Business Ethics
- Page Range:129-150
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:kredyty;ryzyko kredytowe;zarządzanie ryzykiem;informacje niefinansowe;
- Summary/Abstract:The study presents the role of non-financial information in credit risk management. It emphasizes the importance of soft factors in the assessment of credit risk as a factor improving the quality of the rating process, complementing the information obtained as a result of the analysis of hard financial data.
Bank w działalności jednostek samorządowych
Bank w działalności jednostek samorządowych
(The bank in the activities of local government units)
- Author(s):Janina Kotlińska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics, Public Administration, Economic policy, Financial Markets
- Page Range:151-170
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:jednostki samorządu terytorialnego;banki;
- Summary/Abstract:Adequate financial resources are needed to enable local government units to carryout their tasks effectively. An important partner of the local government units is therefore the Bank, which has a corresponding offer. The aim of the study is to diagnose the extent of cooperation between self-governing units and banks over 30 years of activity of local authorities in Poland, on the basis of financial data that illustrate the extent of their demand for the services provided by banks in the context of their growing range of tasks, including chronologically: the emergence of new levels and self-governing units in 1999; Poland’s accession to the EU in 2004, the JST’s obligation to produce a multiannual financial forecast from 2010 onwards; introduction of an individual debt ceiling for JST from 2014
Banki spółdzielcze w sektorze bankowym w Polsce – lata 2010–2020 oraz perspektywy rozwoju i wyzwania
Banki spółdzielcze w sektorze bankowym w Polsce – lata 2010–2020 oraz perspektywy rozwoju i wyzwania
(Cooperative banks in the banking sector in Poland – 2010–2020 and development prospects and challenges)
- Author(s):Anna Iwańczuk-Kaliska, Arkadiusz Kulig
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Economy, National Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Business Economy / Management, Economic policy, Financial Markets
- Page Range:171-199
- No. of Pages:29
- Keywords:bankowość spółdzielcza;sektor bankowy;rozwój banków;
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the study is to assess the importance of cooperative banks in Poland in the years 2010–2020 in terms of their credit and deposit activities and to try to determine the prospects for their development on the domestic market in the context of global and local challenges. The first part is an introduction. The second one presents the development of cooperative banks in the years 2010–2020 on the basis of selected elements of the sector’s balance sheet. The third part of the study includes an analysis of the market shares of cooperative banks in the banking sector in Poland. In the fourth part, the quality of the loan portfolio of cooperative banks and the scale of reserves created to cover credit risk were assessed. In the next, fifth part, an analysis of the components of the income statement of cooperative banks was carried out by referring them to the relevant items of this statement for the entire banking system. The sixth part of the study is a set of synthetic conclusions from the conducted analyzes. The last part is a summary in which an attempt was made to determine the prospects for the development of the cooperative banking sector in Poland in the coming years based on the challenges for banks confronted with the specificity of the organization and principles of functioning of the cooperative sector.
Polska bankowość spółdzielcza podczas pandemii COVID-19 – zagrożenia i wyzwania
Polska bankowość spółdzielcza podczas pandemii COVID-19 – zagrożenia i wyzwania
(Polish cooperative banking sector during the CO VID-19 pandemic – threats and challenges)
- Author(s):Michał Jurek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Economy, National Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics, Economic policy, Financial Markets, Marketing / Advertising
- Page Range:200-214
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:bankowość spółdzielcza;bank centralny;polityka pieniężna;ryzyko bankowe;
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of this paper is the analysis of framework for cooperative banks in Poland since the outbreak of the coronavirus disease and impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the situation of cooperative banks as well as preventive measures undertaken by them. This paper focuses on the short and long run risk factors in post-pandemic economy. Therefore, it identifies key risk factors and challenges faced by cooperative banks and pathways to development of cooperative banking sector in Poland.
Dylematy banków spółdzielczych w dobie rewolucji cyfrowej 4.0 ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem wyzwań w sferze marketingu
Dylematy banków spółdzielczych w dobie rewolucji cyfrowej 4.0 ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem wyzwań w sferze marketingu
(The dilemmas of the cooperative banks in access to the digital revolution 4.0, with specification of marketing challenges)
- Author(s):Grzegorz Kotliński
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics, Financial Markets, Marketing / Advertising, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:215-238
- No. of Pages:24
- Keywords:bankowość spółdzielcza;cyfryzacja;marketing;
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of this study is to answer the following questions: How can the business of cooperative banks be shaped in the face of the challenges of the digital revolution 4.0? What dilemmas do member banks pose in this situation? What are the marketing challenges facing the entire cooperative and individual banking sector? How can we secure and maintain an edge on local markets in the digital revolution 4.0? Cooperative banks were forced to take measures to meet the demands of the digital revolution. Most of them benefit from the support offered to them by their member banks. However, this makes it difficult to achieve economies of scale (some activities are duplicated rather than centralised) and to maintain a unified identity across the sector and makes it difficult to achieve coherent marketing. The managers of the individual cooperative banks have to make decisions which either lead to a gradual loss of autonomy or to difficulties in establishing an identity on the local markets. This situation needs to be considered, as the Digital Revolution 4.0 offers many opportunities that can be used properly to streng then the coherentidentity of the entire industry, while at the same time enabling more efficient marketing and increasing operational efficiency.