Przekształcenia współczesnych miast. Wybrane nurty i instrumenty
Transformations of modern cities. Selected trends and instruments
Contributor(s): Ewa M. Boryczka (Editor)
Subject(s): Economy, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Architecture, Geography, Regional studies, National Economy, Regional Geography
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: spec law; spatial planning and development; monitoring; landscape urbanism; public procurement; urban revitalization
Summary/Abstract: Współczesny świat jest zdominowany przez miasta, które są motorem jego rozwoju. Ulegają one jednak ciągłym przemianom, a współcześnie – w okresie intensywnych, dynamicznych zmian geopolitycznych i społeczno-gospodarczych – borykają się z wieloma trudnościami. Problemy rozwoju miast są poważnym wyzwaniem, wymagają interdyscyplinarnego podejścia oraz umiejętności zintegrowanego zarządzania i sterowania. Celem monografii jest przedstawienie wybranych nurtów, metod, narzędzi oraz działań determinujących przekształcenia współczesnych miast, które traktuje się tutaj jako złożone systemy powiązań gospodarki, społeczeństwa, środowiska i przestrzeni. W publikacji wyróżniono przede wszystkim te kwestie, które służą polepszeniu funkcjonowania współczesnych miast, poprawie jakości życia ich mieszkańców oraz przyczyniają się do rozwiązania wielu złożonych problemów. Książka adresowana jest do teoretyków i praktyków zajmujących się zagadnieniami rozwoju i rewitalizacji miast, planowania przestrzennego i urbanistyki. Do jej lektury zaproszeni są również studenci oraz absolwenci w szczególności takich kierunków, jak: gospodarka przestrzenna, studia miejskie, ekomiasto, prawo, geografia urbanistyczna, ekonomia, urbanistyka, socjologia miast czy ochrona środowiska. Monografia dedykowana jest więc osobom, które interesują się miastami i procesami ich rozwoju.
Series: Uniwersytet Łódzki
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8220-973-0
- Page Count: 144
- Publication Year: 2022
- Language: Polish
Urbanistyka współczesna: Wybrane nurty oraz przykłady ich realizacji
Urbanistyka współczesna: Wybrane nurty oraz przykłady ich realizacji
(Contemporary urban design and planning: Some isms and their exemplary projects)
- Author(s):Wiktor Wróblewski, Jakub Zasina
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Economy, Architecture
- Page Range:11-42
- No. of Pages:32
- Keywords:Urban design and planning; New urbanism; Landscape urbanism; Tactical urbanism; Experimental urbanism; City
- Summary/Abstract:The contemporary face of urban design and planning is heterogeneous. In professional practice and academic discussions different approaches to urban design and planning dovetail or question each other. Consequently, projects representing isms of different principles and methods replenish cities. It seems that current literature lacks the proper review and classification of those isms. Therefore, this chapter aims to present, compare and classify some urban design and planning isms which have emerged and get popularised in the recent decades on both sides of the North Atlantic. The focus is paid particularly on new urbanism, landscape urbanism and do-it-yourself urbanism. The chapter explains the roots behind the isms. It also presents their principles and illustrates them by the completed projects. The analysis resulted in identifying two fundamental axes demarcating the isms doctrinally and methodically. The first axis, STRUCTURE vs PROCESS, distinguishes the isms’ aims, namely the creation of the form or function. The second axis, TACTICS vs STRATEGY, distinguishes the isms’ scale of action, namely small, bottom-up initiatives or large, top-down investments. The chapter concludes that the future face of urban design and planning will be marked by the syncretic hybridisation of principles and methods originating from different current isms.
Zasady planowania i zagospodarowania przestrzennego w kontekście zmian legislacyjnych
Zasady planowania i zagospodarowania przestrzennego w kontekście zmian legislacyjnych
(Principles of planning and development in the context of legislative changes)
- Author(s):Anna Domańska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Geography, Regional studies
- Page Range:43-63
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:spatial planning and development; special law
- Summary/Abstract:The dynamics of legislative changes seems to be gaining momentum over the last few years. These changes also concern the sphere of spatial planning law. The basic standards of spatial planning are set out in the Act of 27 March 2003 on spatial planning and development. This chapter is a reflection on the impact of specific regulations on the content and meaning of selected principles of spatial development law. With the current legislative policy, preferring ad hoc acts instead of stable legal norms, it is reasonable to ask about the significance of the principles of spatial planning and development provided for in the Spatial Planning and Development Act. These rules are used to determine certain directions of activities and enforce certain behaviors necessary to protect certain values, in particular spatial order and sustainable development. There is an increased activity of the legislator aimed at introducing many exceptions to the rules set out in the Act on spatial planning and development. The so-called special acts, which are intended to improve procedures and implement ad hoc goals desired by the legislator.
Monitoring i ewaluacja procesów rewitalizacji miast
Monitoring i ewaluacja procesów rewitalizacji miast
(Monitoring and evaluation of urban regeneration processes)
- Author(s):Ewa M. Boryczka
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Economy, Architecture, Geography, Regional studies
- Page Range:65-105
- No. of Pages:41
- Keywords:urban regeneration; monitoring; evaluation; urban regeneration programme; cities; indicators
- Summary/Abstract:Cities, however, are in a constant state of flux and today - in a period of intense, dynamic geopolitical and socio-economic change - face many problems. Local authorities, reborn during the period of political transformation, found themselves in a situation in which it was in the interest of the inhabitants to take comprehensive measures for city development, urban regeneration. Urban regeneration is an integrated process, combining spatial, environmental and technical measures with programmes for the economic and social revitalisation of degraded urban spaces. Local authorities have a wide range of instruments at their disposal for urban regeneration policy and can actively shape the urban regeneration process. However, a system of monitoring and evaluation is particularly important for the planning and coordination of urban regeneration activities. Monitoring and evaluation are key instruments in the management of r urban regeneration processes. The aim of the chapter is to present monitoring and evaluation as one of the key instruments at the disposal of local government units for planning and stimulating r urban regeneration processes in Polish cities. The chapter presents both the principles and criteria for building monitoring and evaluation systems in urban regeneration programmes, together with their practical application.
Prawo zamówień publicznych w procesie rewitalizacji
Prawo zamówień publicznych w procesie rewitalizacji
(Public procurement law in the revitalisation process)
- Author(s):Magdalena Maria Michalak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
- Page Range:107-135
- No. of Pages:29
- Keywords:public procurement; revitalization; tasks of the commune
- Summary/Abstract:Although the regulations in force indicate a whole range of the revitalization stakeholders, the commune plays a key role in this process, and it is responsible for the preparation, coordination and creation of conditions for revitalization. In practice, this task is most often carried out on the basis of the Public Procurement Law, which is associated with the need of following extremely formalized procedures, which sometimes constitutes a significant obstacle for municipalities. However, the Public Procurement Law provides for the possibility of excluding the application of its provisions, provided that the revitalization projects meet the conditions indicated therein. The presented text describes and analyzes the revitalization issues in the above-mentioned context, in particular focusing on the specific rules of public procurement in the Special Revitalization Zone.